April 7, 2008

Girls Night! Taco Party & Strawberry Shortcakes!

It dawned on me that I forgot to post pictures of last week’s girl night!

Let’s start with dessert first!!

I sliced up some fresh strawberries…

prep station

I put them in a bowl with a tablespoon of sugar and a heaping tablespoon or two of thick aged balsamic vinegar…

(let that sit for at least 30 minutes)

strawberries in balsamic

I made us some whipped cream…baked a vanilla bean cake from Trader Joe’s and assembled the strawberry shortcakes…
strawberry shortcake

and then we brought them to my living room and watched movies…..

watching movies with dessert!

I brought the extra whipped cream in because YOU KNOW I’m not letting that go to waste!

Prior to all this….I made us tacos for dinner!

Here’s the spread:

taco night!

I like to fry up flour & corn tortillas instead of buying store bought ones. My mom taught me this long long ago!
flour tortillas

here’s one of the many tacos I devoured…..

first taco

I want a taco soooooooo bad right now!

  • whitneybee

    OMG, I so want a taco right now too. How do I sign up for girls night!? 🙂

  • grace

    if i could have any combination of foods for a movie night, it would be tacos and strawberry shortcake and i’m not kidding. great minds think alike and all that. 🙂

  • Melisser

    Girls night, please! This sounds super fun.

  • TCB

    This looks so yum. I just found your site recently and heart it. Did you fry up the tortillas in oil, stovetop?

  • Tracy

    whitney & melisser! let’s do it!

    grace- tee 😉

    TCB- Thank you!!! I did fry them up in veggie oil. It’s soooo good!

  • Jason

    what’s the recipe for the salsa? or is it store bought?

    btw, it all looks really good. definitely gonna try this. thx 🙂

  • Allyson

    Strawberry shortcake is my absolute favorite… yours looks fantastic. Especially with the white wine and yellow shoes as accents!

  • Patricia Scarpin

    That’s what I call fun!

  • Wheeler

    Wow those tacos look amazing! Frying them in veggie oil is a great idea – I need to try that for my next taco night! Yum.

  • Amanda

    Do you mean to say you make your tortillas from scratch?! Recipe please? These look so yum!

  • Taco night! | Tangerine Canteen

    […] thanks, i’m not up for that!Anyway, whilst reading my fave foodie blog Shutterbean, I found this taco night party & found that it was easy to make your own shell’s using some good quality tortilla […]

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