It dawned on me that I forgot to post pictures of last week’s girl night!
Let’s start with dessert first!!
I sliced up some fresh strawberries…
I put them in a bowl with a tablespoon of sugar and a heaping tablespoon or two of thick aged balsamic vinegar…
(let that sit for at least 30 minutes)
I made us some whipped cream…baked a vanilla bean cake from Trader Joe’s and assembled the strawberry shortcakes…
and then we brought them to my living room and watched movies…..
I brought the extra whipped cream in because YOU KNOW I’m not letting that go to waste!
Prior to all this….I made us tacos for dinner!
Here’s the spread:
I like to fry up flour & corn tortillas instead of buying store bought ones. My mom taught me this long long ago!
here’s one of the many tacos I devoured…..
I want a taco soooooooo bad right now!