I’ve come to the conclusion that I am totally useless on Mondays. I had every intention to post something yesterday but the lack of energy prevented me from doing so. Why is it that I can’t sleep on Sunday nights? Is it the anticipation of a new week? Is it because I over-do it with coffee on Sunday mornings? I lay in bed imagining the list of things I have to do in my head.
So here’s the past few days….
I made a batch of whole-wheat blueberry scones (thanks to a flickr friend)
I had an affair with my french press maker- the husband was in on it too
I got to see some baby bunnies
and a few little chicks….
I walked around Half Moon Bay with my sister-in-law & her friend
I read a little bit of the book Eat, Pray Love (need to finish it!!)
I got to see a teeny flower weather the cold yet sunny Sunday afternoon
I ate a grilled eggplant sandwich that would have been wonderful if it wasn’t for MAYO
I went through 30+ magazines over the weekend and condensed all the good stuff into a binder…
And now it’s Tuesday and I’ve spent the past two hours researching juicers.