checking in

Cooper and I took a lil peak at the veggie garden this morning-while Dada slept in. (Happy Father’s Day!!!)
Can’t believe how much the basil has grown since I took the inception pic!


It is absolutely amazing

love that shine

to see such growth


in such a short period


of time!!

holy shiz! my basil is GROWIING

I hope Cooper loves veggie gardening as much as I do!

Cuz- DAMN! I can’t think of anything better for us to share together. (well–cooking & baking-but that’s expected)

  • Dana

    Oh my god, those legs! And chubby arms! So cute. My baby (who is now a little over 2) had chub like that and he has not lost it. I will be so sad when he isn’t so squishy.

    • Tracy

      hahaha! dana! i am already seeing signs of him thinning out 🙁 It makes me sad, but when I see his fierce appetite come out, I find there’s hope! hooray for squishy baby legs. They are seriously THE BEST.

  • Becky and the Beanstock

    Looks like Cooper’s well on his way to loving it as much as you do. Thanks for the pictoral journey — your tomatoes make me happy. They look a lot like mine. Fingers crossed and waiting impatiently…

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