March 27, 2009

shabu shabu

the table

shabu shabu

It’s hard to get out these days now that there’s a baby to consider. Last night I hosted Shabu Shabu night. We had our usual group of friends join, and they brought the food to us! Cooper went to bed before anyone arrived. How awesome is that?

Here’s a peak into the evening.
I’m really glad I covered our dining room table with paper. Such a snap to clean up!

i went to TOWN on bok choy last night

mushrooms, bok choy, & tofu

here’s a peak at my bowl… I couldn’t get enough mushrooms & bok choy! YUM

my plate...my beers...my mess


Good Food + Good Company= Great Times.

  • regan

    Here’s a random question for you, where did you get the brown paper to cover the table? I’m always on the hunt for something similar for craft projects with my Brownie troop.

    • Tracy

      you have a brownie troop? omg!

      it’s just brown wrapping paper…the kind that you get to cover a package. super cheap. super awesome.

  • leslie

    ack! shabu shabu at home?!
    what kind of pot is that?
    and the cut of meat?
    oy – can you tell that i’m excited? 🙂

  • Tracy

    leslie- it’s wagyu beef (my friend brought it over. it should have been a bit thinner, but it tasted wonderful. He also brought a hot pot over that had two sides…

    I wish i knew what kind of pot it was! It was def. fun!!!!

  • leslie

    wow, i need some new friends!
    well, just ‘in addition to’ NOT ‘instead of’ 🙂
    thanks tracy and that face cake rocks!

  • phil

    Wait, can you post a recipe for your shabu shabu dinner– my tummy growled just looking at your bowl!


  • Kim

    This looks wonderful! Do you have a recipe for the sauce that you used?

    • Tracy

      I totally wish I did…my friend brought over a few bottles of a peanut sauce he got from his asian market. 🙁 It was good though!

      • Kim

        Thanks so much! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. It has become one of my favorites. The first time I found it I literally spent all day reading it from the first page to the last. Great work. You and I have very similar taste in comedians, tv shows (freaks and geeks…..loved it!! was so devastated when it was taken off the air) and food. Very entertaining! Thanks for that.

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