August 18, 2009

You say it’s your birthday?

Isn’t it funny to see food items that expire on your birthday?   I started this glorious day over overindulgence by eating some greek yogurt that expired today. Today being my birthday.  It was meant to be eaten by the year older me.  It’s like that fancy little computer knew that I would enjoy it by my birthday- and they were right.  The year older Tracy added some blueberries & ground flax seed cuz I’m like totally wiser or something.  A year younger Tracy would probably not be such a smartie pants.

Today was filled with morning fog, afternoon sun (typical SF weather), silly voicemails, lots of loving texts & emails, number crunching, a million nibbles on my baby’s cheeks, a floral bouquet shaped like a birthday cake,  a scrumptious lunch with my dad, pound cake & strawberries from my coworker, a traffic free commute home, babysitter, a wonderful evening out with my husband, drinks, appetizers, pizza & the movies!!!

We saw Julie & Julia and I loved every second of it.

Happy birthday to me!

Turning 30 today totally rocked.

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