18 months


5 days ago Cooper hit the 18 month mark!!

For those of you who don’t speak in the “months” language, I’m sorry!  He’s a year and a half! I remember laughing at people who said their kid’s age in months. I thought it was quite irritating in fact!  My brother totally makes fun of me. “Why can’t you just say a year and a half?”  Now as a parent, I know there’s a huge difference between months. This is Cooper at 16 months. He has changed soo much!

Dozens of other moms have told me that this age is the best stage and currently I agree 100%. I feel like I now have a little buddy instead of a little baby. He actually listens and helps; which makes a gigantic difference! Don’t get me wrong-I do miss my little baby! But with this kid weighing almost 30lbs, it’s so nice to be able to hold his hand while walking down the street instead of carrying him!

At 18 months-

Cooper opens and closes every door in our house.

harder to get a panda/size comparison

(I love seeing his little toes peaking under the door)

little pink toes

He sits in one place for more than 5 minutes. He really likes to watch videos of himself at my computer.

it hurts my legs

He is learning about plants and how to be gentle & respectful of them. We still have a long way to go!

someone had a growth spurt

He RUNS now. Which makes my life more hectic!

head first!

He loves to put things back in the box they came in.

playing with cards from auntie woot

And freaks out when I undo what he does…

tantrum time!

He has totally outgrown our changing table. There was a time where he barely filled half of it!

someone is outgrowing his changing table

He loves the camera even more now and tries to push all the buttons if I let him.

hi cooper!

He LOVES baseball and gets super excited when he sees anything baseball related- thanks to his dad!

He is really interested in the alphabet and says the letters D, F, O, K, R, T & N.

someone loves letters!

He is starting to brush his own teeth and lets me brush them without a huge dramatic production.

someone brushes his own teeth

He laughs and babbles A LOT. This kid has his own language and I love listening to him.

thanks for the soap, auntie woot!

He is super interested in animal noises right now! It’s super cute when he neighs like a horse and says moos like a cow.

my lovey

He loves reading books with us and climbs up on our laps to do so. He has started hugging and kissing us and it’s an absolute joy!

  • joy the baker

    oooh my goodness! what a precious human you’ve created. dang. so effing cute!

    the LOVE picture. Brilliant.

  • jenny

    Too cute! My niece is just ahead of cooper and I love her so much. I thought she was crying recently and it turns out her ‘meow’ is a high pitched cry!

    She doesnt really understand ‘gentle’ too much either, but she’s generally a fairly gentle child, my favorite thing is seeing her wearing other peoples shoes!

  • Saltyseattle

    It really is the greatest age! We’re pushing 20 months and still have much of that adorable curiosity of which you speak, but it’s starting to be coupled with a touch of the ornriness characteristic of the dreaded terrible two’s. Your pics are fantabulous as usual:)

    • Tracy

      thanks bebe! i am sooo dreading the terrible twos! I’m getting a taste of it every now and then!

  • Janet

    He is so cute! Beautiful pictures, too!

  • Ann

    so ADORABLE and Cute and precious.

  • Stephanie

    So cute and precious! Makes me want one.

  • Felicity

    He’s a cutie pie!

  • Dana

    Oh. I got tears in my eyes with this one. Spencer is a little over double his age and a completely different person. 18 months is SO SWEET – still a baby but with so much personality. I LOVED that age with both of my boys. What a gorgeous and, obviously, sweet child you have. I hate to sound like old lady mommy, but enjoy every second of that sweetness! Congrats on such a beautiful boy.

    • Tracy

      thank you for the reminder! some days it’s not so easy to enjoy every second, but I must! xoxoxox

  • I'Ching


    I totally agree with you on the month thing! Before, I used to wonder why people would say that their child is, 18-months-old, or, 15-month-old. But now that I’ve a soon-to-be 14-month-old, I know why! Ahh how motherhood humbles us! Cooper is VERY cute, by the way!

    • Tracy

      thank you! it is a bit weird huh? there’s such a difference between ages and you never really know til you’ve been there!

  • jenny

    amazing. he is so good looking, it hurts.
    and looking at these pictures, i see a little man and also, still SUCH a baby.
    happy 18 months! you are entering my personal favorite baby/toddler stage.
    i just love me some 18-24. good times.
    kissies to coops!

  • jenny

    ps. that pic of him with his finger up in the air? the LOVE TUB?
    i love that. so much!!!

  • jen

    i’m dying over those toes.

  • regan

    the mooing nearly killed me today. so cute!

  • Jessica

    Wow! I remember when you announced on here that you were pregnant! Time flies by! The first pic is my fave. He is absolutely adorable! 🙂 – Jessica

  • Michelle

    So precious. Time just goes so darn fast. All the photos are adorable, but that one of his tiny toes under the door is perfect.

  • Patricia Scarpin

    Tracy, he’s so adorable! And looks healthy, strong and happy. God bless!

  • wootowl

    Happy belated half birthday Cooper. I wish I could be there to carb it up with you! Please give mommy a big hug from Auntie Woot and tell her “yer prettie” for me ASAP! xoxooxoxoxoxoxox

  • Ashley

    Love it! I have an 18 month old as well – my first – and I can totally relate. Everything you said is spot on. What a cutie! I don’t know if you noticed, but as of today, my child (Charlie) has also learned to push mommy away when he doesn’t want help with something. Sheesh!

    • Tracy

      we are getting a little bit of that here too ashley- it’s “nonononono!” and then he scolds me!

  • sara

    Cooper is SO SO SO adorable!

  • Becky

    Oh, I want to hug him RIGHT NOW!

  • Kat

    Cooper is soooooo darling!!!!

  • Cousin Jen

    I can see a lot of Casey in him, in this set of pictures. He is a sweet pie.

  • erica

    amazing post. what a joy cooper is!!
    i cant wait until milo can do these things!!!

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