For some reason when I think GREEN ENERGY SHAKE, I imagine Oprah screaming it.
“Please welcome GREEEEEN ENerGYYYYY SHAAAAAAAAKE!!!!” And through the side door, the shake shuffles onto the brightly lit stage, spotlights are flashing and Oprah sweeps up the glass, pulling the straw to her mouth. She’s only supposed to take a small sip because she’s got a paragraph to read on the teleprompter, but she’s so shocked at how good it tastes, she takes an enormous gulp. There’s a pause on live TV…. and suddenly she’s rocking back and forth, raising her hands to the sky, praising this healthy concoction. It’s totally green, yet tastes sweet & refreshing! She surprised how good the dates make it! “Hallelujah,” she screams!
Quick someone write a book about it, cuz it’s totally going on the book club!
Ok enough of this nonsense. It’s smoothie time!
Here’s all the ingredients.
Blend the kale with the OJ first. Get it nice and smooth. No kale bits.
Next comes the frozen banana, pears & dates. BLEND!
Look at that pretty green froth!
Pop goes the last bubble. Get your drinking on….
And be sure to scrape the sides of the glass with your finger.
Don’t want to let any of that green goodness go to waste, now do we?
Green Energy Shake

(recipe adapted from Bon Appetit)
- 1 1/2 cups orange juice
- 1 frozen banana, cut into 2 inch pieces
- 1/2 cup kale leaves, chopped with center stalk & stem removed
- 1/2 Bosc pear, chopped
- 2 pitted Medjool dates, coarsely chopped
Combine orange juice & kale in a blender and blend until there are no recognizable kale bits. It should be completely smooth. Add the banana, pear & chopped dates to the blender. Puree until smooth, scraping the sides down if needed. Divide between two 12 oz. glasses and serve.