- Shedding Winter Skin. I’m doing it. Are you?
- Super impressed with this site! It’s so good lookin’
- I think I might like this show…
- 13 Cheeses Everyone Should Know About!
- Ummm Banana Bread FRENCH TOAST. Ahhh yeahs.
- Oscars Best & Worst Dressed according the most experty experts ever!
- If I ever decided to run a marathon, I’m pretty sure my training would look like this.
- Just another reason to love Ira Glass.Thanks, Victoria!
- Let’s Toast to Toast! You’re speaking my language.
- Sue does AMAZING work. I wish this was mine.
- Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookie Sandwiches. YES PLEASE!
- How excited are you for Mad Men Season 5 to come out?!
- HELLO dream office!
- Guilty Pleasure #452 Watching makeup tutorials!
- I can’t resist videos like this. What does that say about me?
On this week’s Joy the Baker podcast, we talk about Joy’s BOOK BABY! I get the skinny on Joy’s first book signing. Nosy questions were asked! And we discuss what we’d do with an extra day in the month.
It’s Progress Report time on High Straightenence! You can see how I’m maintaining my organized projects.
Now we have a winner of the Joy the Baker Cookbook:
Congrats! BAILEY!!!
I’ll be contacting you shortly! Hope you don’t mind if me & Joy sign your cookbook 🙂