Not too long ago, I shared this juice with Cooper with the hopes that it would be a good way to get greens into his body. I had no idea that it would make him SO DANG HYPER. I think he got a natural high from the greens of the kale (HELLO CHLOROPHYLL!!), and I’m sure the sweetness of the other ingredients helped… We’re talking non-stop movement for HOURS. I mean like…way more than he normally moves (which is a lot).
Perhaps that’s why I’m obsessed with green juice. It makes me feel so dang good & energetic.
And we’re off! Simple ingredients!
Creates two cups of the most delicious green juice! This was my last juice in my old juicer.
Now that I use an Omega 8006, I’m pretty sure I would have gotten waaay more juice out of this haul.
This juice is the ultimate pick-me-up. I bet you’d be super productive if you started your day with a glass.
Don’t give it to your kid before nap time. Trust.
makes 2 1/2 cups
1 bunch lacinato kale 6 medium carrots 2 cups red grapes 1 apple Juice the kale, carrots, grapes & apple and serve over ice.