Here’s what this past week looked like:
I’ve been really into Coconut Butter & Banana on Cinnamon Raisin Toast.
I pulled out some of my old notebooks from art school while we were painting. I can’t believe there was a point in time where I knew how to draw all the bones in the body. I also went through some of my Art History finals and had no idea I knew all that stuff. Reading my essays felt like reading someone else’s essays. It’s weird how your brain makes room for more information and some things get lost along the way. Where did all that knowledge go?
We also moved Cooper out of his old preschool & into a new one in June and it’s been amazing to see how being in a calm/structured environment is changing his art work. His color palette and brush strokes are so much lighter than they used to be. It makes me really happy to see.
Car washes help fill time when you have a kid. It’s also fun for adults. The soap on this one smelled like almonds!
I’ve done one session of couch to 5k! It was good, but I didn’t pick the right area to do it because there were a few unexpected hills. I also need to get some proper running shoes.
I got a Fitbit One which I’m totally obsessed with and have been using My Fitness Pal on my phone to track what I eat. I haven’t really lost weight at this point, but I can feel a difference in my muscles. I suppose I’m losing inches–but either way I’m feeling good! My goal is to be stronger and I think I’m on my way!
Being up early in the morning is now a habit. I’m really surprised how easy it is for me to get out of bed now.
This week was particularly foggy.
It’s the time of year when everything is dry.
I find feathers along the way.
And occasionally I see a bunny!
Sometimes I think the birds like to mock me.
But either way, I really enjoy the ME time I have before the day requires hustling.
Sometimes I stalk turkeys.
It’s oleander season. It makes me think of Hawaii when I see flowers on the ground.
He seemed like he was gonna fall asleep in the car. When I asked him if he wanted to close his eyes and take a snooze, he said NOOOOO! A minute later he was asleep. A mama knows best 🙂
I made cookies…
Like the most amazing cookies, I JUST CAN’T DEAL. I’ll share them next week.
This week involved two fun trips into the city outside of work. I wore a striped shirt with this skirt.
My dear friend Gaby hosted a lunch at Tacolicious for her Absolutely Avocados cookbook. The fish tacos were bonkers!
He’s proud to be pouring his milk in his cereal. I love seeing his sleepy eyes in the morning.
A boy & the beach. He’s in his element there. We went to Stinson Beach with my friend Amy.
Seagulls & bees everywhere.
It’s because of this sandwich…and maybe our bright colored blanket.
Cooper came running up to us with a JELLYFISH IN HIS HAND!!! I’m so glad he didn’t get stung.
That kid has no fear. You can see the jelly fish in front of him. We were pouring water on it so we could inspect it.
Friends who love kids are good friends to have.
On the way to work.
San Francisco is full of color.
Another highlight of the week! Casey and I took the ferry into the city and had a day date last Sunday.
I love window shopping. I secretly want to intern with a window dresser. Isn’t this one at Anthro amazing?
Drips & lines.
We went to Zuni Cafe for lunch. My tradition is to get a Bloody Mary while we wait for our table.
I love looking at their alcohol selection at the bar.
It’s really nice to have alone time. No interruptions. No worrying that someone won’t eat what we’ve ordered.
Sometimes I don’t know how two introverts made an extroverted child. But we love him like CRAAAAZY!
And of course we ordered the chicken for two. No fries this time….we didn’t save room.
Hope you have a fantastic weekend!!!