Here’s what this past week looked like:
Surprise Cookies & Cream Milkshakes on a week night.
I went to Bikram yoga for the first time since September. Teacher was a no show.
The substitute was really good.
Warm blackberries.
Good cloud day.
Forever and ever.
I wore Casey’s shorts. I’m testing the waters with shorts…I just wanted to have a better option when I ride my bike.
Of course when I went to pick Cooper up from school instead of saying “HI MOM!!” like he normally does he immediately yelled (in front of the whole school) MOM WHY ARE YOU WEARING DADDY’S SHORTS??!!
Yeah, thanks.
San Francisco.
The trees in the water and a pool floatie that reminds me of a doughnut.
Went to yoga again. On the way there, it felt like I was driving through my own version of the video game Paperboy. It was almost like the universe was saying DO NOT GO. There were cars blocking me… people jutting out in the street at my car, and I then couldn’t find a parking space… I went and the teacher was no bueno. His energy was really bad and he totally tried to shame a girl for TAKING A SIP OF WATER. I left early and felt pretty good about it.
Drip drip drip.
So….this stuff tastes like Harmless Harvest. I’m not mad at it.
We all like different things.
Tripping out.
Back & Forth Forever IRL
I made this boy smile at a stop light.
I don’t know. It seemed to make sense at the time.
Casey did good.
Our chins are pointy.
I haven’t been to a Red Sox game where they won in YEARS.
The best part? Finding out that Cooper, who doesn’t like peanut butter, LOVES peanuts.
He and I were obsessed with watching the food vendors during the game.
Bike rides with friends.
Followed by In & Out Burger.
WITH HATS. What a good day it was! All cherry. No pit!
I burned an omelette. It was still good.
First in line.
Uhh Yeah Dude. Episode #424. I really hope you can hear my laugh in the background.
Instead of stress eating, I stress cooked.
Photo adventure with Leslie.
Sink or Swim.
Drinks at Trick Dog. Their menu is now signs of the Zodiac.
Pisces for me. Aries for Leslie.
I’m a Leo and she’s a Scorpio. We didn’t like the drinks of our own signs.
Puppy eyes.
Converse buddies.
Leslie, the fire-starter.
It was one of those good for the soul nights. We visited Hula & her family while Jen & Bob were away.
This is what Summer in San Francisco looks like:
You can use sharpies for your wine glasses BTW. It just scrubs right off.
I always think of Joy & Sean Connery when I see Alcatraz.
We always have at least two bottles open when we’re at my parent’s house.
Whenever I post pictures of my mom’s dinner table, there are always a few people that comment to say their mom has the same plates. That makes me happy.
I need this sign.
Enjoy your weekend! xoxox