Currently- August 2016
Currently on an airplane as I type this (August 24th). Drinking club soda with a lime, trying not to make eye contact with the guy next to me who is eating a cheese plate. I don’t know why they call it a plate when it’s in a white plastic container. It should be a cheese container. It’s practically a lunchable.
There’s a teenage boy in my peripheral vision who won’t stop moving. Like….he is listening to something, drumming on the seat in front of him and whipping his blanket around while chewing on the headphone cord. He’s also fighting with his Mom because she won’t give him her phone to play Pokemon Go! Meanwhile, my laptop is jammed at a 45 degree angle as I type this because the woman in front of me needed to lean her seat back to eat her tuna sandwich. Also, did I mention that I am near the bathroom and get frightened every time someone flushes the toilet? I’m listening to this playlist called Peaceful Piano. Only 5 more hours to go…. At least they gave me a biscoff cookie.
But seriously, what happened to our flying choices? Like…WHY DO WE HAVE SO MANY OF THEM NOW?! Half of the people have some type of priority on this plane. I feel like it all went downhill when they started charging for bags. Remember when they were free? Remember when you could walk someone up to their gate? Give someone one last kiss or hug RIGHT before they went on the plane? Remember when you didn’t have to take off your shoes or worry about liquids? Things change, man. Back to this whole priority thing. Did this all start happening because they started charging for bags? People are bringing so much on a plane instead of checking their bags. Since so many people want to make sure their bag gets on the plane as a carry-on, they’re paying a fee for the priority of boarding earlier. This particular plane (American Airlines) charged $31 for that luxury.
Having a love/hate relationship with Pinterest. Actually I am having such an issue with algorithms in general and how everyone is messing up what I am able to access online. I had no idea that I had a birthday instagram from my maj until she texted me to ask me if I saw her picture. I DID NOT. I mean. That’s kinda rude, right? Also Pinterest is showing me nothing but the same pins over and over again and EVERYTHING is starting to look the same. But then I feel like everything is starting to look the same and I am scared that I am falling for this homogenous aesthetic.
Yes. I am totally complaining like a mofo. I think it’s because I’m on an airplane and I have no control. Also, I taught my Dad what MOFO meant last year. His life has improved 100%. He just passed me on his way to the bathroom while I typed this. I just gave him one of my cookies. Wait. I think I read somewhere that people are more likely to be emotional on airplanes. There you have it. Silver lining? They gave me an entire can of club soda during this flight.
I’ve been resisting buying a new planner at Target. The self-talk I have to do in order to not buy one is ridiculous. I think I’ve snap-chatted (not the correct word) it before…. So, I am doing well with my bullet journal…but it has lines and I don’t like lines. I want dots but then I know that when I get dots I will want something else. Then it’s hard cover vs. soft cover and then the list goes on. I want this in black & gold. Can’t you make that??!! PLZ. Meanwhile, I started collecting some bullet journal ideas on Pinterest. At least that’s an exciting thing that keeps popping up in my feed. But somewhere in the back of my head I feel like I could overcome ANYTHING if I can overcome this great urge to buy a new planner/calendar/notebook. Also, will I talk about this problem every time I write one of these currently posts? Probably.
Cannot believe that Cooper is in 2nd grade. I wasn’t there to drop him off on his first day of school because of my New York trip and it made me sad. Like…really sad. Does that mean I have to stage the first day of school picture even though it’s not the first day?
Oh! Here’s something funny for you. I just went to turn down the music (peaceful piano) and I noticed that MY HEADPHONES WERE NOT PLUGGED INTO MY COMPUTER. Hope you loved Peaceful Piano, plane full of people. It could have been worse I suppose. They could have been subjected to my Marky Mark Good Vibrations pump jams. Priority pass is really paying off for you now!
How many of you have done a Whole30? I’m thinking of doing it in September but there’s a wedding I need to go to… can one do a Whole30 and go to a wedding if one usually eats and drinks too much at weddings? Please weigh in. Literally. Haha. But wait… can we do it together? Like…if I do it and you do it….we can maybe figure out a way to give ourselves a good reboot together? I’m totally down with accountability and all. I just need to figure out a month in my life when there’s nothing to celebrate and/or drown my sorrows in bourbon in pizza for. So….ummm…I’ve been putting off the Whole30 for a year now and it’s time to RESET.
I have collected three crystal sun catchers this summer because I want my house to be full of rainbows in the morning and afternoon. Things are getting all sparkly around here.
One more thing before I go. I started using an app called Chimeo’clock on my phone that chimes every half hour/on the hour. When I have it on silent, I think it’s a text message and then I look over and then it’s just 5:30. It’s really helping me keep track of time, which is something I have a major problem with. Also helpful- I got an extension on Chrome called Stay Focused that allows me to lock myself out of the internet when I’m trying to concentrate on work. OH MY GOD IT IS HELPING ME SO MUCH. You can go nuclear- which means you are locked out of the internet 100% for as long as you want.
Goodbye August (birthday month!) Hello, September.