Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 36
Treat yourself to breakfast. You deserve it.
The reason why I am late in posting this week’s photos.
Adult kickball with a lot of booze. Mama has been in slow motion today. Ugh.
Finished last night at the Peso….which was probably a bad idea.
Find Ella.
There she is in a small patch of light.
Sunday is my laundry day.
Things lined up.

I spelled calories wrong. Typewriters don’t have spell check.
Here kitty kitty.
Spent all Friday night working on a book.
Lunch with my dad. We split a salad and a sandwich. My dad gave me a pep talk.
I really needed one. I also really needed all those fries.
Popsicle + whiskey= Friday Times

Afternoon sun.
Back to School Night tradition.
Those drinks were bomb.

So golden.
I didn’t take many pictures this week… but when I did it was mostly of my cats.
Look at how Rosie fills out that bowl.
This is the same bowl with my robe in it. Look at how little Ella is.
Walked through a cemetery. Some of the people were born in the late 1800s.
Teach them young.
He’s not wrong about sharing food….with someone who is sick.
I miss the rain….mostly because I love puddle reflections.
Peachy smoothies for a play date.
Last minute dinner situation.
Early morning wake up.
My work buddy.
Inspiration at Jonathan Adler.
I brought home some coasters.
A smoothie bowl that should have just been in a cup. Too melty. But vibrant!
I know, Rosie. I know.

Coffee date with Emily from Cupcakes & Cashmere.
She’s even more awesome in person. I love that we both grew up in the same area.
Standing on top of a table shooting a fallen pie. As one does.
A moment of quiet.

Lucky boy.
Lucky me.
He found the light in a hardware store.
Play date with my friend Helen Jane. It was one of those days when I had so much fun that I didn’t take a picture because my phone was off in another room.
I love days like that. I need more days like that!
My babies from the Alameda Flea last week.
Let’s take a trip down memory lane: