February 28, 2017

Currently: February 2017

 Currently February 2017 on Shutterbean.com

Currently: February 2017

Last day of February. Blossoms are blossoming.

We’re getting a few sunny days sprinkled in with our rainy days!

As I write this, I’m sitting in the back of the car as we drive home from visiting family in Idaho to surprise my mother-in-law on her birthday. We had a blast! I ate and drank too much, but we were with family, so WHAT ELSE IS NEW?

Cooper has poison oak. It’s really bad. The worst of it is on his face. Poor guy.

I really hope it doesn’t scar!

Currently February 2017 on Shutterbean.com

Inspired by:


Cooper and I are still hooked on making our melted crayon art together. I’ve also been keeping up with taking classes on Skillshare and have been really enjoying that. My journal is keeping me sane.

Also! I had a Ladies Craft Night–Valentine’s Day.  I am going to try to put together another one soon. Thinking Easter candy might be a fun situation! Or maybe dyeing eggs?


We’re happy that Billions is back!  I’ve fallen asleep during the first few episodes. Sometimes my brain just checks out when there’s too much information to absorb late at night. But I have to say, I love falling asleep while watching something.

We’re also really excited to have new episodes of This is Us to watch. Are you watching it too??? The last episode had me bawling!!!!!

Another great show I watched this month— Z: The Beginning of Everything. Christina Ricci is so fun to watch. I’ve always loved her. The costumes and the set design are just dreamy!

Sneaky Pete has also been good. We’re working our way through it slooooowly.

Casey has been watching This Old House on youtube this month…..it’s always on in the background and I catch myself watching too.


Old cookbooks! Vintage cookbooks!  Been reading through old recipes to see how much has changed and how much has stayed the same. I’m fascinating out simple older recipes used to be. The directions are always a lot shorter with a lot less description of what you’re supposed to do. I also love looking at all the photography. So much has changed in the way people present/style food!

I picked up the book the Tao of Leadership at a thrift store this month. When I was in college, I studied Eastern Philosophy and really loved learning about Taoism. When I’m out thrifting, I feel like the books pick ME. This one has been quite enjoyable. The information is bite-sized, so I read maybe 1-2 pages a day. It’s a nice addition to my meditation practice.

Thinking about: 

Doing the Whole30 again. Or maybe just going without bread for awhile. I gotta work more on my self-control. I’m noticing that I can be disciplined when I give myself some rules. The problem is I’ll be like…. NO BREAD STARTING TOMORROW!! And then I have toast at breakfast. I’m trying not to be hard on myself, but I also gotta get REAL with myself.

Taking a floral class online.  I want my flower arrangements to be less boring. For some reason they always look the same even when I try to do something different.

I really need to color my hair and cut it. It’s overgrown!!!!!! I’ve gotta lot of gray!  I NEED A SHAPE.

See also: My Short Hair Pinterest Board

Listening to:  

I first fell in love with Philip Glass when I saw the movie The Hours (which is one of my favorites) and I listen to him a lot when I work. His music helps me focus and it’s super relaxing!

Cooper and I are also enjoying the song “Hand Clap” by Fitz & the Tantrums

Still going through all of The Minimalist Podcast episodes too!

Dream Life:

Nothing fun to report. I haven’t been remembering my dreams when I wake up.

But I am daydreaming a lot. Hopefully, I’ll make some of my daydreams happen.


I’ve been into eating arugula salads with feta, tomatoes, and marinated artichokes (see below!). Sometimes I throw some sunflower seeds up in there. I toss it with a lemon juice and olive oil. I think I’m gonna throw some chicken in this week.

My Everyday Life: Week 8 on Shutterbean.com

And I gotta get myself back on the kombucha making cycle. I traveled and was thrown off of my routine and I’ve just let my scoby GO/GROW!

SO! Tell me what’s up with you! 

How was your February?

Leave your stream of consciousness in the comments 🙂

  • Alex

    I have never been a person who remembers my dreams and up until recently it really bothered me. Then I read (somewhere that I can’t find again, of course) that people who don’t remember their dreams tend to fall asleep quickly, sleep soundly, and wake up feeling fully awake, which describes me perfectly, and it made me really grateful for the quality of sleep I get. One of the suggestions, in that same article, for remembering your dreams was to drink a glass of water right before bed so you’d have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and that just seemed like the dumbest thing I’d ever heard!

    • Tracy

      Oh gosh. The last thing I want to do is get up in the middle of the night to pee!! I’ve been having really good/deep sleep so I am going to consider myself lucky!

  • Caitlin

    I had poison ivy on my face more than once as a kid and got away scar-free! It was a nightmare but steroids and oatmeal baths were a lifesaver. I hope Cooper feels better soon!

  • Jori

    I hear you on the carbs. But I know myself and none at all just aren’t going to happen. So my goal is “better” carbs, like whole grain breads instead of a white baguette. And when it’s cheat day? Don’t cheat with mediocre things!

    If I’m going to have a carb with little redeeming health value, it better be a fantastic homemade cookie or indulging in amazing pasta or risotto. I’m not going to waste a cheat on a sad sandwich or hot dog bun.

  • DeBorah

    Just wanted to let you know that YOU inspired me to surrender to the Whole30 and, guess what? Today is day 30 of success! I’m so happy with it that I’m just going to keep cruising with the process, with maybe a teeny little adjustment, here and there, from time to time.
    Thank you, Tracy!

  • Diane

    My son and I have had poison oak head to toe, we’ve had no scars so I think Cooper is ok! Also, I can relate to the “NO BREAD STARTING TOMORROW!! “, one of these days I am going to follow thru with that. 🙂

  • Rachel

    OMG- that last episode (Memphis I think it was titled?) of This is Us also had me AND my husband ugly crying. What an episode! It also makes me sad to think we might not be seeing much of that character anymore. 🙁

    It’s definitely my favorite show- it’s funny, heartfelt and full of thoughtful and realistic situations surrounding family, race, self esteems, just LIFE!

    • Tracy

      Oh my goodness.
      My mom and brother have been watching it too and it’s been so much fun to talk about the show with them. It has spurred so many good conversations between us. It’s very therapeutic and it really makes me appreciate my family. I am so thankful to have grown up with both my parents around. 🙂

  • Ashley

    February can be gone, I’m ready for March! We have a trip to Arizona in April that I set some goals for regarding weight loss and eating, most of which is centered around looooooow carb, and it’s such a struggle. I can easily see that my body responds to not having crackers as a snack and rice/bread/noodles with dinner (and I don’t need it either), but it doesn’t make it easier. Living for one indulgent meal with beer on the weekends. 🙂

    We just finished season 1 of Goliath and loved it. Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long for season 2. Hoping to watch Billions soon, although I think the next show I want to try is Veep because I love JLD.

    • Tracy

      I have to remember what it’s like to moderate myself.
      Even if it’s stepping back from the situation.
      Taking a pause.
      Remembering that making better choices and habits means
      I’m making myself a priority.
      I need to respect my body.
      I need to love myself and give myself grace.
      But I can make good decisions.
      I am capable of that once I slow myself down
      and find the voice of my inner coach again
      who is rooting for me
      to keep at the practice
      of self care.

  • Christi

    I continually find you and your blog to be so inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing.

  • Darlene

    I LOVE these posts! You are inspiring me to do something like this in my journal or maybe share it on my own blog or instagram. I happen to be a very vivid dreamer and I usually remember/write them down if they are particularly crazy or seem meaningful. I love arugula salads too, it grows so easily in the garden! Good vibes to you!

    • Tracy

      Thanks, Darlene!!

      I grew arugula once and it was SO PEPPERY SPICY. I thought I had done something wrong.

  • Melissa

    I just deleted Facebook off my phone and it is so liberating. I did it for Lent, but might keep it off.

    I also finally started listening to podcasts on my evening commute. I had been telling myself that podcasts or audiobooks would be a better use of my time than hearing the same news stories from my morning commute. I definitely tried to add the joy the Baker podcast to my stream since it was one of the few I could think of! I couldn’t believe that was YEARS ago! Shows how out if the podcast world I am, lol!

    • Tracy

      I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since we podcasted. NUTS, right??!
      I can get sooooo sucked into Facebook.
      It derails my thought process.
      So does the phone.
      So does my kid.
      I’m working harder on trying to ground myself and when I feel like I am feeling overwhelmed I cut out all of the technology for a block of time.
      It’s totally liberating.

      I wonder what would happen if everyone did a Facebook detox for a bit? Would the world explode?
      I get sad that so many people will never experience a life before technology.
      it’s the new norm.

  • Abbey

    I feel that on the “starting tomorrow” thing…. I keep saying that about cutting out sugar but once it gets warmer out (and I have less of a hibernate and eat muffins mentality) maybe it’ll happen? Trying just to accept things and reduce guilt cuz then I feel worse and it’s a bad cycle. Also speaking of salads- love the beet and fennel salad from Jupiter in Berkeley! I think it’s the vinaigrette? or the cheese in it?? maybe you could recreate it 😉

  • Erica

    This month was crazy for me! I was traveling a lot and trying to balance big life decisions with staying super present in the moments. I started The Minimalist podcast and I’m purging like crazy. There are so many things in my life I don’t need to be happy and I am realizing that more and more. I’m trying to hone in on my creative side and you are totally inspiring me – so thank you!
    So February was all about cleaning up, staying present, and welcoming the new! Thanks, Tracy!

    • Tracy

      I LOVE ALL OF THIS!!! Sounds like you’re becoming a really good advocate for yourself! Proud of you for working on your life/ yourself, Erica!

  • Rebeca

    February was a great month! Okay, there were some ugly parts, but after several months that felt like a punch to my heart, it was a breeze.

    My hair is the longest it’s been in, I don’t know, 13 years? I was thinking of having it cut and go back to short hair, but I decided against it and I want to see if I can get it long enough to donate. Great thing is my hair requires minimal care, otherwise I’d have gone back to a shorter style because lazy.

    Reading food blogs has been annoying me a bit lately because of all the dishes I want to try but I can’t/shouldn’t. My doctor gave me a list of foods to avoid/reduce to help my stomach issues and I wanted to cry a bit. You’re telling me I can have meat every day if I want? That’d be great if I ate more than chicken. I’m getting a bit discouraged seeing nothing is really helping, but I have no choice but to keep navigating it!

    I was stressing about money this morning, numbers dancing in my brain, when I looked down and saw an envelope. I picked up and it was full of money! (I thought that stuff only happened in movies.) There was a name on it, so I took it to the police and hope its owner gets it back. Unexpected way to start March.

    • Tracy

      Good luck navigating through your food/stomach health. I hope you start to see some relief soon!

      Sounds like you’re bringing good energy + magic into your life. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!

  • dana828

    I just saw your Instagram story from today about NOT buying the juice, and thought, YES! At the beginning of the year I made a commitment to
    myself that I would not buy anything unnecessary between Jan 1 and my birthday (March 19). It’s been SO MUCH EASIER than I expected! Likely in part because I haven’t been a big shopper for a few years now, but still, I can totally waste some good money on makeup and random crap when the mood strikes me. But since January 1 the only time I broke my vow was for the taco cat socks at Target. Because come on…taco cat socks?!
    March is one of my favorite months. Because birthday cake! And St. Patrick’s Day! February was a little rough. I made the decision to finally get braces, which I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember, and let’s just say that braces as an adult totally suck. I miss food. On the bright side I’ve lost about 8 lbs in the past 3 weeks, so it’s not all bad.
    I need to get back into “This is Us”. I have hardly watched any TV the past few months, though, and don’t miss it at all, so maybe I really don’t have to get back into it?
    Happy (almost) Spring!

  • Hillary

    Currently holding and feeding s newborn around the clock and feeling like I’m doing everything wrong. Knowing it gets better but not knowing how long it will take and if I can gut it out again this time.

    Eating allllll the sugar. Baby cries, I eat a cookie

    Reading anything YA and light and frothy. It has to be great antidote to the world and my fear of the state of things globally and on the sofa where I spend the day.

    Making a crocheted hat for my older son. It seems vital I make this hat.

    Dreaming of spring and sleeping for four hours straight.

    Watching The Crown, No Tomorrow and The Magicians.

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