Hello! Hello! Happy Monday. I had a weekend with family and I’ve got to put the house back together. We’ve got lots to do before Christmas Eve/Day. I’d like to get some baking done somewhere in this week for teachers and friends. Oh and there’s a Christmas pageant and all kinds of other things we have coming up. My brain is still in a fog but I’m somehow making it through and managing.
Intentions for the Week:
- start/finish Christmas shopping/white elephant gifts
- ship packages/presents
- sweat it out in dance class
- stay on top of the laundry
- remember to eat (I’ve been forgetting…#grief)
- make some chocolate chunk blondies for family
- try to make peppermint bark for teachers
- make sausage soup
- check in at parent’s house
- catch up on work
- catch up on social media
- find khaki pants for Cooper
- wrap presents
- get outside
- go for a hike
- work on art
- write thank you notes
- drink more water
- start holiday cards (if they arrive soon!)
- take good care of myself