It’s Monday! It felt like the Summer over the weekend and I didn’t want it to end. As I was typing this list and getting myself ready for the upcoming week, our cat Rosie unexpectedly got sick. Casey rushed her to the emergency vet and is staying there overnight. Please send good thoughts!
Life is filled with unexpected events, isn’t it?
I just want my cat to be OK!!!
***Rosie update! She’s resting at home. She ate a spider and threw it up immediately and had quite a severe reaction to it. Thanks so much for the love!!!***
I’ve been feeling very scattered lately and I need to get myself back on track this week. Perhaps if I remind myself to FOCUS, I’ll be more apt to get in a better focusing zone.
How can I do that? Maybe set some timers throughout the week. I will give myself realistic timers to complete projects and I will try not to waste time and get distracted during the process.
Intentions for this week:
- post my summer bucket list (here’s my summer bucket list from last year)
- work in the kitchen on recipes (anything you want to see?)
- LAUNDRY/dye tablecloth
- look for an outdoor rug
- clean out fridge/meal prep
- make a folder for envelopes so I can write on the go
- no paper piles left in house
- yoga x 2
- try to meditate at least twice (wish me luck)
- oil cutting boards/spring cleaning
- eat lighter/cleaner
- book dentist appointment
- sort out library book situation
- letter writing
- haircuts for cooper & I
- catch up on emails/social media
- no weeknight drinking
- art with Cooper
- prune some of the plants outside
- do some leisure reading if possible
- DRINK MORE WATER instead of eating
Last week’s intentions:
wash car/detail the insideI forgot how much I enjoy a clean car!LAUNDRYfinished it abnormally early this week!clean outfridge- work on birthday package for maj (compiling!)
- go through package for Camden (compiling!)
plant flowers/water flowers- deal with paper piles (sorted through a bunch!)
- make a new recipe (tested a few things)
post teriyaki chickenemail the tax man- yoga x 2 (went once cuz I got a dumb cold)
stay on top of the dishes in the sink(did well until we were gone Sunday)- hike or dance class? (hike!)
- book a dentist appointment/figure out insurance/ugh (got distracted on the internet when I went to look up my coverage. oops)
chicken teriyaki recipe- edit/write/posthere’s the post!- trip to farmer’s market? (went on a trip up to napa instead)
- delete photos off phone- AS MANY AS POSSIBLE- at least 1k.
finish summer bucket listclean out pursethe best feeling!catch up on letter writingtackle inbox(sorted out a bunch of spam and deleted stuff)- start doing some spring cleaning (did a kitchen deep clean)
- DRINK MORE WATER instead of eating (I didn’t do my best)