My Everyday Life: Week 2

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life: Week 2

If you have your mom, call her. Ask her everything you ever wanted to know.

Write it down.

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I broke out the paints and made these rocks.

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Art I made for our bedroom. I want to do a whole wall like this someday.

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Ella is elegant. Ellagant.

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Rosie’s Boudoir shots.

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He likes to do puzzles like his Nana.

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We had wings.

I tried to make them in my new Instant Pot this time.

I normally make them like this.

The instant pot cooked them fast but they made them so incredibly tender the meat mostly fell off the bone. I gotta futz with the settings and figure it out. Maybe they’ll just be something I make in the oven (or fry!)

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This is why I had one of the walls in our bedroom painted black.

The afternoon light is magical.

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The in between….when I have to give myself a pep talk to clean up.

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We went to visit cats at the Marin Humane Society on our way home from a birthday party. This cat was named Schuster and he was the BIGGEST LOVE BUG. A little floppy kitty.

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Can you see all the rainbows that float around us while we have breakfast?

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Friday nacho night! We re-watched the movie The Ice Storm.

Christina Ricci, Katie Holmes & Elijah Wood were so young! I was in the mood to watch a movie that took place in the winter. I forgot about the ending. Wow.

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A chunk of California.

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A heart shaped rock I found on my hike.

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The first day of sun after a week or so of storms.


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I always forget about the mud on trails.

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Time to clean the windows. Also! look at that fog rolling in.

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The tree shadow caught my eye.

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In a few months, this will all be golden and dry.

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Cord loving cat.

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Food, Photography & Inspiration. My Everyday Life Week 2 on


Food, Photography & Inspiration. My Everyday Life Week 2 on


Sorry. So many cat photos.

I use photography + cat time as a break in between working & doing house chores.

Both keep me sane.

If you’re into cat photos, my cats have their own instagram account now:


It’s 100% cat pictures.

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Ramen weekday date with Casey.

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Parenting advice I wrote down & banana bread.

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The best chinese chicken salad is from comforts in san anselmo.

It’s the salad I judge other salads by.

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Burrito bowl night! 


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I grew this kale! It went into the burrito bowl!


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Pulled Pork Sandwiches were a hit.


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Dinner entertainment.

The Big + Tiny Show!


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Afternoon break with lemon ginger elixir (which is also great with bourbon!)

Soothe your throat & relax with this Lemon Ginger Elixir. Find the recipe on!

Folding towels I made….makes me happy.

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Made meatballs and had them over zucchini noodles with mushrooms.

It was kinda like my Zucchini Noodles with Sausage.


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Second to last piece of my Hippy Banana Bread!

I’m making more tomorrow.



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Taco night…..

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In progress……



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We love taco night.

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Grate shapes.

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Thanks for reading Shutterbean!  If you’d like to check out more of my everyday life, follow me on Instagram and be sure keep in touch via Facebook, Twitter,  Bloglovin,  Pinterest, or subscribe via email to get new posts delivered to your inbox.

Let’s dip into the past!

Week 2 in 2016

Week 2 in 2015

Week 2 in 2014

Week 2 in 2013

Week 2 in 2012

Week 2 in 2011

  • Jean

    These Everyday Life posts always shine, Tracy. You have such a gift for finding light and then capturing it in your photos. Cooper is one lucky boy to have you as his Mom. Looks like you had a tasty week of dinners! We have dinner and a show every night with our cat, too!

  • S

    I bookmarked the restaurant with the chicken salad, but I was wondering if you’d ever tried to recreate it?

    I love these weekly posts, by the way. Somehow even your messy kitchen pictures are so much more interesting and beautiful than my messy kitchen! Haha

  • Shawna

    Thanks to your Instagram Stories, I made the pulled pork in my Instant Pot this week. So Good! I just took a screenshot of the video you had of the cookbook page- so smart, I surprised myself! What cookbook was that from? I generally stick with Nom Nom Paleo recipes but man, was that pulled pork delicious. That sauce – YUM

  • India

    I love the kitchen pictures of dinner/meals in progress. And loved the tree on your hike too. Thanks for sharing!

  • Jane M

    My dogs have a hashtag #cahndogs and they have a Facebook page called Martin G Cahn. Your cats are so cute!

  • Lia

    After all these years, this is still my favourite part of the internet, every single week!

  • Rachel

    Thank you so much for the Lemon Ginger elixir! I have been making it to deal with my cold & sore throat and it ‘s totally delicious! Those little $5.00 bottles from the health food store are a thing of the past!

  • Nienk.

    Lovely advise over the phone, wish we would get those calls everyday

  • Raheel

    How do you like your instapot? It’ seems like everyone is raving about it but I cook a lot and don’t have a slow cooker or pressure cooker at the moment. So I’m wondering if I need it?

  • Lindsey

    What kind of rock is the “chunk of California” rock? It’s soooo pretty!!

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