- I secretly like bananas in fruit salads
- Summer Bucket List download!
- 100 Best YouTube videos of all time.
- Bad tattoos are soooo bad.
- What the heck?
- Weezer covers Toto’s Africa
- Life lessons from Anthony Bourdain
- How to clean your house like a professional
- You really shouldn’t be this comfortable at work.
- I’m curious about this new series- Kidding
- These paper fruits & vegetables are stunning.
- A very cool looking calendar system!
- Why children aren’t behaving
- Virtual reality cat explorer. WEIRD
- Home Ec is fading away. This is really the worst.
- Bubbles!
- I like #5 best
- Coop and I love this Instagram account
- Every recipe should be small batch or else I’ll eat it all. Biscuits!!
- Have you ever made a five-year plan?
- We could all use a snack cake right now
- Fun with bleach– gonna make something new soon!
- I’m thinking of making this cake for Father’s Day, what about you?
- Also thinking of adding this farro salad to the menu cuz I’m sure my dad misses my mom making it for him.
- Anyone have a Fitbit 2? Tell me what you think. I’d like to have a heart rate monitor.
Waking up without having to rush out the door for school (This is day 2)
The fact that my child still holds my hand in public.
My hammock time. I never understood the appeal of a hammock until we got one. I like this nylon one because the knitted hammocks always hurt my skin after awhile.
With the warmer weather here, I’m living off of Mint Iced Tea.
Checked out from the library:
Messages in the Mailbox / The Language of Flowers
/ Inventing Joy