September 21, 2018


I LOVE LISTS // a collection of links from the 'net on Shutterbean.com


  1. There’s a lot of truth in this.
  2. How to draw a 3D fried egg. WHOA.
  3. This story touched my heart.
  4. How do you face adversity? You show up with hope.
  5. I’m very excited for more Good Eats!
  6. Chevy Chase, now.
  7. I loved reading through some of these insightful parenting tips
  8. How meditation can change your brain.
  9. 31 % of US households cannot afford their energy bills
  10. 5 important/underrated things to bring on a trip
  11. Introvert problems.
  12. One day I will have a crystal ball.
  13. Many people don’t realize that most yogurts are loaded with sugar.
  14. There’s an optimal time to give negative feedback.
  15. Avocado toast is becoming a real racket.
  16. Speaking of, make this kimchi avocado toast. It won’t cost you $18
  17. What life with your legs really means.
  18. Funny old babies
  19. Weather graphics are pretty scary these days- so is life!
  20. Favorite Trader Joe’s Snack food? I love the peanut butter filled pretzels.
  21. Feeling unmotivated? Give advice.
  22. Habits to get you started practicing self care.
  23. RIP Orla Kiely. 🙁  This makes me so sad!


  • ashley

    Thank you, and Happy Friday Tracy!

  • Susan

    I really needed the laugh of the babies as old people link today.

  • rosemarie

    This: Studies also show that fathers continue to have significantly more leisure time than mothers and that mothers use their off time to do chores and child care while fathers use time off for hobbies and relaxing. This, too, is about careers: We know that people who have more leisure time and time for creative activities tend to perform better at work.

    My husband is a nurse that works 3-12’s. He switches between days and nights and I know it isn’t easy, but he has 4 days off a week. So why am I still taking vacation days to clean/run errands/etc before holidays or to clean out the basement? Ugh.

    • Tracy

      We have to remember that if we don’t ask, we don’t get.
      Also, it’s very good to schedule time to get away. When they see how the ship operates without you, it gives them perspective.

  • Brianne Tomlin

    oh no! That orla kiely news is SO sad. maybe the patterns will get picked up by a different brand

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