January 2, 2018

If you’re doing the Whole30


If you’re doing the Whole30 this month, and need some help…

Feeling bored with your Whole30 routine? Check out these Whole 30 Meal Ideas from Shutterbean.com!


Some of the meals I liked to eat while I was on the Whole30. You’ll find a lot of good ones in there.

WAIT- What’s the Whole30?

Here’s the book– Whole30

simply remove these things from your lifestyle for 30 days:

  • dairy
  • grains (even corn!)
  • sugar
  • legumes
  • alcohol

The key to being OK with all of that is focusing on all the things you can have!!!  And there are a lot of things….like POTATOES, MEAT, EGGS, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, NUTS, ETC.!! 

Thinking of doing the Whole 30? Let these snacks keep you motivated. Check out Whole 30 Snack Ideas on Shutterbean.com!


Even though snacking is not encouraged on Whole30, I think sometimes snacks make better meals than a full sit down meal. Not everyone has the time to sit down and make a full on meal.

Use some of these examples and make a meal out of it.

You totally can.

Thoughts after finishing Whole30 - see more on Shutterbean.com!


You are going to need to coach yourself during the month, you can see how my journey here:

Week 1 & 2

Week 3

Week 4= DONE

I’m thinking of starting after my cousins come to visit in January. I wanna be able to have an Italian feast with the family before I commit.

And if you’re not ready to commit to 30 days, you can commit to a few healthy habits!


GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading Shutterbean!  If you’d like to check out more of my everyday life, follow me on Instagram and be sure keep in touch via Facebook, Twitter,  Bloglovin,  Pinterest, or subscribe via email to get new posts delivered to your inbox.

  • Diane

    Thank you! I just started today. 🙂

  • Jen

    Hi Tracy – thanks for your writings! They are so helpful! A few questions:
    – is bloating on this program pretty common? I look pregnant again :/
    – how muc do you need to worry about portion control? I’m on task with the foods but haven’t been really strict about portion sizes. Am I creating more headaches for myself by not restricting portion sizes?

    • Christian

      That is so strange Jen! If anything, I always find the Whole30 as *dramatically* decreasing my bloating.

  • Mari

    happy new year to you too, Sean

  • Lisa Hazlett

    Great timing, Tracy! I just started yesterday as well.

  • Gina

    Hi! Just read all your Whole30 posts! I’m on day 24 like you were in the week 3 post. You should totally do it again! I have a similar relationship to food as you and this is definitely helping with the bad habits thing. I just feel so much better. Less sluggish. More energy. And definitely overwhelmed at the thought of eating normal again when this is over!! I even have anxiety to weigh myself when this is over- you had such great results!! Thanks for posting this with all your Whole30 links!

  • Angie

    I’m confused… can we eat peanut butter on whole30? I was thinking this was off limits.

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