Hello Friends! Happy Monday. Cooper is back in school. This is my first list of the new year. I am excited to type those two things I looking forward to getting back into a rhythm/routine. I abandoned my bullet journal after my mom died (grief) and it really threw me off. All of my TO-DO lists have been written on random pieces of paper and index cards. I’VE BEEN SO DISORGANIZED!!!
I spent all Sunday cleaning up my studio space, getting rid of paper piles and cleaning out the inside of my car. WHAT A GREAT FEELING! Ok, so here we are my first Intentions for the Week list of 2018.
Intentions for the Week:
- start taking down the Christmas tree
- write my Intentions for the Year
- tackle laundry (it’s not pretty)
- go to a yoga class + hike
- spend quality time with cousins in town from NY!
- mail thank you cards
- share art on my blog
- get printer situation figured out
- continue to get my house in order
- photograph recipe for One Potato
- take stuff to Salvation Army
- catch up on social media/blogging
- do some meal prepping
- clean computer screen (it’s so gross right now)
- finish up hand lettering project for a client (!!!)
- send out some zines! Check out The Handwriting Club on etsy 🙂
- take good care of myself
- limit carbs
Mantra for the week:
Whatever you’re up to this week, have a great one!