Happy Monday! It’s Sunday night. I’m sitting in bed using Casey’s laptop because mine is broken (SIGH) and I’m trying not to get stressed out about how much this next week without a working computer is going to blow. I really don’t like being a slave to technology, do you? The good news is that I got enough Vitamin D to last me a few days. We were up in Calistoga this weekend visiting family. I wore a bathing suit. I got myself in water. We had a nice dinner outdoors and I got sun on my shoulders and painted outside. It was all awesome except for the computer situation. Some things are beyond my control!!
This week has a holiday smack dab in the middle. How rude! We’ll see how much I can get done despite that. I hope you enjoy the holiday if you celebrate it. I’m thinking of making an icebox cake situation or maybe I’ll go the chocolate chunk blondie route with ice cream? This will be my first 4th of July without my Mom in a very long time. I am going to try to give myself grace and cry if I need to. I know it’s gonna be a little tough for me and my Dad. Knowing that makes it somewhat easier. Either way, here are my Intentions for the Week!
Intentions for the Week:
- laundry
- unpack from the weekend
- this includes the car!
- Continue work on #100daysartbeforebreakfast
- make ice cream cake
- edit photos
- post June wrap up
- write postcards/send
- take good care of my skin
- try to go to bed at a reasonable hour
- catch up on social media
- catch up on bookkeeping
- make art with Cooper
- finalize 4th of July menu/ make a dessert
- work on front yard- plant more plants
- drink enough water
- continue sorting out Cooper’s old clothes
- work on at least one shelf in pantry
- track what I eat in my food journal
- limit carbs
- find time to meditate or leisure read or both
- get as many steps a day as I can with my fitbit.
- make kombucha
- Take pictures of items for poshmark
- figure out broken laptop situation (UGGH)
Last Week’s Intentions:
LaundryCatch up on social mediaBookkeepingKeep house clean/organize- Make a pizza on the bbq
Make a batch of mint iced tea- Make an ice cream cake for work
Clear floor in prop closetWrite a few postcards- Do some meal prep (when we’re at home there’s not much of a need to)
- Go through pantry and straighten (started)
- Start packing up old clothes Cooper doesn’t fit into (started)
Post pasta recipe(check it out here!)Make kombucha- Take pictures of items for poshmark
- order cards
- start scanning artwork (working on it)
- Plant stuff in front yard (started)
Deal with paper piles on deskGo on family hikeLibrary visitClean out carEat healthierContinue work on #100daysartbeforebreakfastDrink water- Give myself permission to go slow (struggled)
Mantra for the Week
Have a wonderful/productive week! Don’t forget to write down your own Intentions for the Week to help hold you accountable to ACTION!