Happy Monday, friends!
Last week was a pretty social week. The repercussions of social weeks are that I don’t get all of the things I set out to get done, done.
That is how we get a pile of laundry on my bedroom floor that lasts for a few days until I work up the energy to tackle it. You just said hello, to my Monday night. I was just feeling like I got into a good routine with laundry too!
I had a great time with friends. It was worth it.
I’ve got a few podcasts to catch up on anyways.
One of the interesting things about laundry is that it never ends. My Dad is now understanding this as he had spent about 48 years of his life having my mom do his laundry for him.
He’s pretty cute about it though. He was telling me that he came up with a system of shirts and once he gets to #4 he knows it’s time to start the laundry load again. I admire his tenacity. I love that he is coming up with systems. Perhaps this is where I get that from? Either way, life goes on and so does laundry. We will get to it, sometimes we just have to live and wear clothes that need to be washed.
This week we have some more social commitments. I have to make sure my house is clean after we have friends over this weekend.
Dishes have piled up.
Time for me to delegate some responsibilities.
Time to start mapping out My Intentions for the Week
Intentions for the Week:
- laundry
- spend quality time with friends
- clean up the kitchen from the weekend
- figure out meals for hangouts this week
- get work done so I can feel good about hanging out with friends
- catch up on computer work
- get haircut
- post a new recipe
- edit photos
- get used to using a windows computer, RIP MAC LAPTOP
- play some board games with Cooper
- binge on Handmaid’s Tale at night
- choose sleep over watching another episode a few times at least
- work through this workbook
while I try to eat healthily
- get my heart rate up/go workout or hike or both (Fitbit
is helping)
- work on summer bucket list
- finish up my #100daysartbeforebreakfast project
- find a sticker for my water bottle
- spend time daydreaming about vacation/mapping out intentions
- give myself permission to slow down when I need to
- ask for help when I need to
- make healthier eating choices when possible
- catch up on bookkeeping
Last Week’s Intentions:
- laundry (FAILED)
unpack from the weekendthis includes the car!- Continue work on #100daysartbeforebreakfast
make ice cream cakeedit photos- post June
wrap up(here you go) write postcards/send(I wrote one, need a better goal)- take good care of my skin
- try to go to bed at a reasonable hour (NOPE)
catch up on social media- catch up on bookkeeping
- make art with Cooper
(he wrote me a poem, does that count?) finalize 4th of July menu/ make a dessert- work on front yard- plant more plants
- drink enough water
continue sorting out Cooper’s old clothes- work on at least one shelf in pantry
- track what I eat in my food journal (this week through me off. dang, 4th!)
- limit carbs (umm see above)
find time to meditate or leisure read or both(had a moment on my hammock)get as many steps a day as I can with my fitbit.make kombucha- Take pictures of items for poshmark
figure out broken laptop situation (UGGH)
Mantra for the Week:
Have a wonderful/productive week! Don’t forget to write down your own Intentions for the Week to help hold you accountable to ACTION!
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