Hello friends!
It’s MONDAY! Yet, again. How are we feeling today?
This weekend we ran errands, hit up an estate sale (got some neat things!), had 6 boys and adults over, an art playdate and much needed time in my office sorting papers. WILL I EVER CATCH UP ON PAPERS?!! (no). I am trying to streamline life as we head into the school year. That means I am trying to find a place for everything and put everything in its place. Also trying hard to do as many things ahead of time as I can so I have some down time in the week. Bottom line: I AM TRYING.
If you’re going back to school this week, here’s a post I wrote to help you get your head in the game!
Last week I shot three recipes for One Potato and my kitchen went through the ringer! I am hoping to spend some time doing some deep cleaning things like sort out my fridge and clean through the freezer. It’s amazing what will pile up if you don’t pay attention closely. Let’s take a moment and get our intentions for the week down!
Intentions for the Week:
- laundry
- housecleaning duties
- send mail
- find a good pace with lunch making
- work on new recipes
- post about dehydrator
- finish packing prints
- get my head organized
- sort out the fridge
- work on currently August 2018
- make kombucha
- make zucchini noodles
- drink enough water
- try to have lunch with my Dad
- confirm class with Ali
- take a skillshare class about time management
- more family dinners
- get outside for a hike
- workout at the gym a few times
- wear my Fitbit
every day and track steps
- edit photos/deliver
- fix fastrack thing
- etsy stuff
Last Week’s Intentions:
unpack from triplaundrywrite down Intentions for the School Yearmake a list of all the things required for school right nowspend time with the calendarput the registration sticker on my car- fix FasTrak thing
drink enough waterkeep fridge cleanget my steps in with my Fitbitmake time for friends- make an appointment for an oil change
catch up on social mediasign contract/sendcatch up on emailfile my nails (they look awful)make sure back to school shopping is doneshop/style/shoot recipes for One Potatogive myself permission to go slow- figure out what the heck I’m going to post on my etsy shop
- post a new recipe
Mantra for the Week: