Happy TUESDAY, folks.
Did you have a nice Labor Day break? This weekend we had some playdates, Casey and Cooper worked on sanding & painting at the baseball field, and I went on a cleaning/organizing rampage. I put a lot of things off during the summer and so it felt good to get quite a few spaces cleared out. Especially now that we have baseball and school routines in full swing. I have two garbage bags filled with things to donate. YESSSSSSSS to getting rid of things that no longer serve us!
This weekend I organized:
- makeup drawer
- pantry
- laundry space
- straightened up my closet
- linen closet
- kitchen table
- fridge & freezer (!!!)
- pots & pans cabinet
- utensil drawer
I also did some painting! I haven’t done any since I finished the #100daysartbeforebreakfast project. It felt good to mix paint again. I forgot how therapeutic it is for me.
Also did some meal prep:
Be sure to follow my hashtag on Instagram for more! #shutterbeanmealprep
AND!!! I was able to get to ground zero on laundry. High for productive holiday weekends. I know I wasn’t supposed to be working, but when you’ve got the high straightenance bug, you have to run with it.
These are my Intentions for the Week (even though it’s a short week!)
Intentions for the Week:
- clean up files on computer/ go through Dropbox files
- edit photos/post/invoice
- dinner with the family
- visit Candytopia
- Mom’s night out at school
- stay on top of laundry so it doesn’t get out of hand
- make car appointment
- sort through emails
- return Stitchfix (get $25 off your first box with this promo)
- work on new recipe
- passport photo?
- work on Etsy things
- watch classes on productivity/finance on Skillshare
- make kombucha
- wear my Fitbit
every day and track steps
- drink enough water
- get enough sleep
- drop off donations
- finish commissioned lettering project(!!)
- start Ozark season 2 on Netflix
- clean up inbox
Last Week’s Intentions:
laundryhousecleaning dutiessend mailfind a good pace with lunch makingwork on new recipespost about dehydrator(you can see it here)finish packing printsget my head organizedsort out the fridgework on currently August 2018( you can see it here)make kombucha- make zucchini noodles
drink enough watertry to have lunch with my Dadconfirm class with Ali- take a skillshare class about time management
more family dinners- get outside for a hike
workout at the gym a few times- wear my Fitbit
every day and track steps (missed two days!)
edit photos/deliverfix fastrack thing- etsy stuff
Mantra for the Week:
Pump song for the week:
I hope you have a productive 4 day week!
Don’t forget to write down your Intentions for the Week. It will help you get your brain in the game.
xo Tracy