Happy Monday, friends!
This weekend was packed! It started with a sleepover with my brother. Yay for Uncle Ryan visits! We went on a long drive around Marin and saw all the places we used to visit as kids. It was the best. I also hosted a handmade holiday party at my house this weekend so all my energy this weekend went to that. I’m excited to share pictures with you soon. It was a fun event with a great group of women.
This week we must VOTE! Don’t forget. That’s the first thing going on my Intentions for the Week list. Hopefully, I’ll get back into the Meal Prep rhythm soon. When we have events going during the weekend, that’s the first thing to go.
Intentions for the Week:
- Vote
- Laundry
- Exercise/workout
- Wash car
- Clean up house
- Make kombucha
- Make banana bread
- Write down food in food journal
- Make a recipe/take photos/edit
- Invoice/Send 1099
- Edit food journal/ order
- Post Currently October 2018 post
- Catch up on social media
- drink more water (this helps
- track steps with my Fitbit
- Car appointment!!! YAY
- Send thank you notes
- Paint nails
- Clean out purse
- Organize/sort receipts
- Delete some photos from phone
Last Week’s Intentions:
unpack bags fromtriplaundry/organize bedroom closetmake kombuchaprep forpartythis weekendclean up dining room tableclean out fridgeclean out wallet- trip
to the Post Office recipe testing- broccolicelebrate Halloweeninvoicing /bookkeepingcatch up on social mediafinish writing organizing postwrite up Currently post for Octobercontinue to write down food I eat in my food journal (it helps!)drink more water (this helps)
track steps with my Fitbitspend time with my brothergo to bed before 11(did 4/7 days)go for a hike/workoutfollow up with Dochave a date with my calendarfind the time to take my car in
Mantra for the Week:
Pump Jam for the Week:
You definitely get what you give, so give this week YOUR BEST!
Sending you well wishes for a smooth/productive week.