Happy Monday, friends!
This weekend was a combination of productive, fun and restful! Went out to dinner with my bro & sister and spent the night at my parent’s house in the city. Stayed up real late with cocktails! So fun!
When I got home, we spent the whole day in bed on Saturday watching movies as a family. The air is so bad up here in Northern California that we spent most of the weekend inside for the rest of the weekend. I made my closet look nice and organized again. I also did some meal prep and knocked off a bunch of things on my TO DO LIST. While I was working around the house, I ordered a Costco delivery from Instacart ( here’s $10 off your first order! ) and it was SOOOOOO helpful. It saved me so much time having food and supplies delivered to the house. We’re in good shape for the week!
Here’s my meal prep:
Meal Prep this Week Includes:
- Creamy Spinach Soup
- Tuna Salad
- Hippy Banana Bread (turned into muffins! Baked 350F for about 20 minutes)
- Enchiladas!
- Lemon Ginger Elixir
Intentions for the Week:
- prep for a conference call
- order books
- exercise/go to the gym
- make doc appointment
- trip to post office
- volunteer at school
- make treats for school function
- delete photos from phone
- catch up on social media
- thanksgiving post
- work through emails
- drink more water
- make a batch of kombucha
- write down meals in food journal
- rsvp to party
- make time for art
- get enough sleep
- work on a new recipe
- finalize Thanksgiving plans
- return at Target
- track steps with my Fitbit
- bookkeeping work
VoteLaundry- Exercise/
workout Wash carClean up houseMake kombuchaMake banana breadWrite down food infoodjournalMake a recipe/take photos/editInvoice/Send 1099Edit food journal/ orderPost Currently October 2018 postCatch up on social mediadrink more water (this helps)
track steps with my FitbitCar appointment!!! YAYSend thank you notesPaint nailsClean out purseOrganize/sort receipts- Delete some photos from phone
Mantra for the Week:
Pump Jam for this Monday:
Don’t forget to write down your Intentions for the Week! It will help hold you accountable throughout the week!
Wishing you a productive week!