Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 21
We put up a hammock (FINALLY) and I am so dang happy about it.
I diverted a panic attack this week by hanging out in it. YAY.
Home Depot makes really good breakfast burritos. I spent last Sunday morning there with my brother-in-law and niece.
Casey’s brother James helped me plant some things. James! If you’re reading this, THANK YOU and I need you to come back down because you’re very helpful and I like that in a brother. LB!
Hummingbird food.
Slowly filling this area in.
This tree is glowing!
Went to my parent’s house. Do I say Dad’s house now??
My Dad has his laptop on the kitchen table most of the time. It used to be filled with my mom’s papers.
He also plays music in the house (constantly) and I like it. Sets a good mood. YAY DAD!
Not sure where these came from but I like them!
I did some meal prep for my Dad!
Cousin time!
We ordered pizza and it was GOOOOD.
The colors on these wildflowers were AMAZING. That blue!
Ella in her custom blanket thanks to a reader named Lindsey!!!
We have these on our retaining wall (my parents never planted them! they’re wild!) and they’re lush!
Shooting recipes for One Potato this week!
Seriously so many tacos this week. Not complaining! My family was so happy.
I heart my Prismacolor pencils except I’m missing three somewhere in my house
I think two of them are black and purple.
Adventure in the city.
Went to Souvla for dinner with my friend Gaby!
I asked to take the cashier’s picture. I liked her witchy vibes.
You must go! The frozen Greek yogurt is
I know someone I’d like to send this to.
So many fun things to see on the streets when you’re visiting SF.
Detour on the way home. What a view!
This is why we work so hard to be here.
Letter from my friend Christina.
Ran into my friend Pam at the grocery store. Got to hang out with her and her daughter, Frankie.
Isn’t she cute??
Checking out books at the thrift store. I always enjoy reading people’s inscriptions.
Work lunch.
Prolonged eye contact with a deer.
Like a deer in headlights but…in the day…with no headlights. LOL.
Coloring club! So much baseball this week. The season is winding down and it’s playoff time!
My buddy Lila is a Gemini.
The baseball game was COLD so we got ramen after our win! YAY.
Working on art with my niece. You can read more about it here!
Juicy watercolors.
These were fun. I should probably do the whole alphabet, huh?
Trying to be good, salad.
Quesadilla for husband.
Cream cheese frosting at 9pm.
Up late at night making chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for Cooper’s school Bake Sale.
They went fast, he said.
I’m glad I saved two because my friend Lisa stopped by for a spontaneous coffee date and I was able to share.
Spending Friday night working in the garden, introverting.
I am happy that these planters are now full of goodness. I didn’t have to buy any plants! I just used moved things around and grabbed from my propagation hoard!
Denise— if you’re reading this, did you give this to my Mom?
Is that you? Don’t you just love the inside of this book???! The orange is gorgeous.
Also, Rosie is quite the photobomber.
No shoes allowed in my house because SHOES ARE DIRTY AF.
Also, this face reminds me of my niece.
Week 21 in 2017
Week 21 in 2016
Week 21 in 2015
Week 21 in 2014
Week 21 in 2013
Week 21 in 2012
Week 21 in 2011