Happy Monday, friends!
This week Cooper is off of school there’s a lot to be done! My head is in PLANNING MODE.
I’m making everything in orange.
Cooper also have the WHOLE week off of school so I’ve got a little buddy with me at home this week while I prep for Thanksgiving.
Time to get my brain together and write down my INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK! Here they are:
Intentions for the Week:
- laundry
- have a date with my calendar
- grocery shop for Thanksgiving
- clean up house
- clean out fridge
- hang out with horses
- spend time with Emma
- put patio pillows/furniture in storage
- finish taking the railings off the deck
- water plants outside
- prep for rain
- set up new litterbox
- edit photos
- clear off desk
- package/ship orders from The Handwriting Club (thank you!)
- track my steps with my fitbit
- make artichoke squares
- pull cards and write in my sketchbook
- return library books
- compile a list of favorite things for the year
- work in my food journal this week
- work in my Currently Workbook 2019- November spread
- catch up on social media
- make new granola recipe
- share pep talk pack on Etsy!
- paint nails
- make art with Cooper
- post sausage bread recipe
- make a list of holiday gifts to buy
- workout x 3
- get enough sleep
- pull out Christmas decorations
- finalize holiday card/order
Last Week’s Intentions:
laundrytherapy- do some meal prep
- make tuna salad
go to work dinner- work myself out of a food rut
grocery shoppinghave a date with my calendarpull cardsand write in sketchbook
edit photosfind time to meditatework on menu for Thanksgivingclean up officemake some artfigure out what’s in my Mom’s stuffing recipecatch up on social mediacatch up on accounting workpackage/ship orders from The Handwriting Club (thank you!)track my steps with my fitbitwork in my food journal this weekedit photos of postcards/post on etsyhaircut for Cooperhaircut for me! (see my pinterest board for inspo)- paint nails
Cooper thank you cardstake holiday photo picturesmake new recipework on post about Currently Workbook for 2020
Recipes to Try:
How to Make an EPIC Cheese Board
Turkey Cranberry Meatballs
Pear Cranberry Arugula Salad
No Knead Clover Rolls
The Best Creamed Spinach
Sweet & Sour Delicata Squash
Pecan Topped Sweet Potatoes
Cranberry Rosemary Spritzers
Pumpkin Pecan Ice Cream Sandwiches
Pumpkin Gingersnap Ice Cream Cake
Turkey Bacon Cranberry Sandwich
Pump Jam for the Week:
Mantra for the week!
(Make your own gratitude journal!!)
Feeling stuck? Make a list! Write down your intentions for the week to help hold you accountable to action.
I’m rooting for you!
Sending sparkles,