Happy Monday, friends!
The weekend whizzed right by, didn’t it? Ladies sleepover, birthday celebrations, walk with friend and baseball tournament all filled up my time! Our plans made it so I didn’t get to meal prep on Sunday. But that’s cool, I started to do a few things like roast sweet potatoes and make pasta last night so we could have a few things to start with. I plan to do more prepping tonight so we will have some stuff to eat for lunches and maybe a dinner or two this week. We have a bunch of social commitments this weekend, so I have to make sure I have the time to get all of my weekend work done ahead of time. I have more food journals back in my Etsy shop if you’re interested!
We are on Week 13 in 2019.
Let’s write down our Intentions for the Week, shall we?
Intentions for the Week:
- laundry
- TAX PREP (uggggh)
- meal prep
- have a date with my calendar
- drink more water (this water bottle is helping!!)
- get exercise
- return GAP order
- conference call
- sort through inbox
- drop off library books
- straighten up house
- package/ship more food journals
- grocery shop
- pick up RX
- clean out purse
- work on workshop syllabus
- catch up on social media
- make a new recipe
- eat more salads
- start thinking about 100 day project
- photoshoot
- track steps with Fitbit
- make applesauce
- make kombucha
- make polenta cornbread
- pull cards
and work in sketchbook
- keep organized with my bullet journal
- pluck eyebrows
- think about getting a haircut see also: short hair inspiration
- work in the yard/ get more soil
Last Week’s Intentions:
laundrygrocery shophave a date with my calendarsend thank you notework on writingdrink watergo on a hike or twomeditatecelebrate our 13th wedding anniversarytrack steps with Fitbitpackage up orders/ship- make a new recipe
- make applesauce
make kombuchamake time for artdrop off donationswork onstrawberryprojectcarve out time to work on photography class syllabuspull cardsand work in sketchbook
keep organized with my bullet journalprep for meetingprep for conference callsmani-pedi with Leslieprep for baseballbookkeeping- finish up tax stuff
catch up on social mediaclean up the inside of our bedroom closet
Pump Jam for the Week:
Mantra for the Week:
Now that it’s spring check out:
What to Eat in Spring!
Kitchen Spring Cleaning!
Have a great week. Remember to write down your Intentions for the Week to get you started.
Sending sparkles,