Happy Monday, friends!
We are on week 16 of 2019. This weekend was filled with baseball and also socializing. I spent time last week doing some spring cleaning and it feels so good to welcome friends into my home. It has me excited for eating dinner outdoors in the next few months. Although the BUGS. I forgot about the bugs.
I need to make more plans for BBQs soon.
This week we have a lot of work to get done before Cooper goes on break. I hope by the end of the week to be finished with my TO -DO lists so I can spend some time recharging. I’ve been sick with a cold this week and all of the time out & about and working has worn me down. I’m ready for a break from the school and work routine for a bit. A reset and a fresh perspective are much needed right now.
Now that we know what’s up with our taxes, I feel like I can breathe.
The news isn’t great, but I know it’s one less thing to worry about. Knowing what we’re up against makes all the difference.
It’s WEEK 16. Let’s do this.
One thing at a time. First, let’s figure out our intentions for the week!
Intentions for the Week:
- laundry
- keep the house clean
- eat healthy foods
- grocery shop/get some cat food
- drink enough water (keep up this water bottle filling routine up)
- track my steps with my Fitbit
- clean out fridge/use what’s left
- clean out the back of my car
- bookkeeping work
- package/ship food journals
- pull cards
and work in sketchbook
- keep organized with my bullet journal
- track what I eat in my food journal
- try to meditate
- post new recipe
- make a new recipe
- catchup on social media
- paint toenails
- drop off library books
- work on the yard
- exercise three times this week
- decompress during spring break with family
- go for walks with my family
- spend time working on my vision board
- write in my journal
- take photos
- read for fun
Last Week’s Intentions:
laundryhave a date with my calendareat better/more greensstraighten up housemake kombuchagrocery shopfindoutfitfor Cooper to wear for school performancefigure out what to wear foreventedit photospost recipesponsor deadlineput away stuff from classwork on course for Santa Fecatch up on social mediawork my way through my inboxdrop off library booksmake my dining room table a dining room table againclean out the inside ofcarclean out inside of fridge/meal prepwrite a condolence cardtrack what I eat in my food journal (fell off for a few days)track my steps with my Fitbit- drink more water (this water bottle is helping!!)
package/ship food journalspull cardsand work in sketchbook
keep organized with my bullet journaldelete files oncomputer- figure out Easter plans/meal
- get at least 3 workouts in (got 2)
hangout with Emmapaint nailsbookkeepingstraighten up office- do leisure reading if I have extra time (reading Widower’s Notebook
Pump Jam for the Week:
This song keeps coming up for me. Reminds me of my Mom
Meal Inspo this Week:
I’m thinking of Easter Sunday and brunch foods. Here are some good ideas for the week:
Shaved Asparagus + Prosciutto Pizza
Rhubarb Coffee Cake
Tex Mex Breakfast Casserole
Creamy Asparagus + Bacon Soup
Mushroom + Spinach Baked Rice Bowls
Broccoli Pesto Polenta
Mantra for the Week:
Remember to write down your Intentions for the Week! It will help keep you on track!
Sending sparkles,