Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 2
Packaging up orders!
Sold out in a few hours! Thanks for your food journal orders. I’ll have more soon!
Meanwhile, I’ve been tracking what I eat all week.
Follow more adventures on @thehandwritingclub on Instagram.
Steamy nighttime shower.
These ladies are in my office now. Look at that cat!
Baked Spaghetti always works its way in the rotation.
Chicken Enchiladas were in my freezer and made an appearance!
Must make a sushi burrito.
Hey, buck!
A random flower makes me happy.
Meal prep this week meant I had a lot of salads.
After I took a picture of this dude, I kept seeing him in so many dry cleaners throughout the week. Lol. Maybe you’ll find him too.
Trying on a cute sweatshirt at Target. I need a haircut.
More salad! This time with tuna salad on top.
Still snuggly!
Squirrels vs. birdseed.
My zen garden is making me happy these days.
I bought us new stools to save room at the table. Cooper is thrilled.
Foggy morning in my kitchen workspace.
I cherish my time volunteering with older women through school.
Lunch with my Dad + brother at Zuni!
Wine at lunch kinda LUNCH.
The croutons though!
We didn’t get the chicken. It was weird!!!
But we got chicken later on in the night. Spend the night with my brother and his wife.
They have an amazing view in their building.
Mom’s rosemary is blooming.
Hummingbird food right outside my door.
Mom outfit.
Friends over for dinner!
Cocktails and cheese.
I made garlic rolls
They were so good and a great way to use rogue pizza dough in the fridge.
Week 2 in 2018
Week 2 in 2017
Week 2 in 2016
Week 2 in 2015
Week 2 in 2014
Week 2 in 2013
Week 2 in 2012
Week 2 in 2011