Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 29
This week was all about GRACE!
Baby Grace, that is. Our friends came over with their new baby and we got to meet her! It was so nice having a baby in the house.
Pure joy!
And she slept on me for about an hour.
Early morning trip to a baseball tournament. Why is there no cheese on a sausage Mcmuffin? Why am I up so early??!
My baseball gear.
My happy place on my deck is coming along!
I pulled lemon balm, mint and kale from the garden.
I made a version of my Thai Basil Beef with it.
Worked in my sketchbook this week. So nice to play with colors again.
Someone likes my cord storage situation.
Avocado on a poppyseed bagel with everything bagel seasoning.
Feels kinda meta.
I bought Cooper churros (cinnamon toast crunch) cereal. I won at momming this week.
Trip to the Asian market. Sesame balls and pork buns for fun.
These two.
Pink milk at Wu Wei Temple with my friend Becca.
We went for a long walk.
Found some fun things in Fairfax.
Sniffed roses.
Found Oak trees far bigger than one can imagine,
Walked through wild flowers.
Watched vines growing on telephone wires.
Impromptu dinner at Neiley’s! I got to see my friend’s new/beautiful kitchen!
Worked through my food journal this week. On a three week streak.
This week I tried out interminttent fasting. Ate between the hours of 12pm-8pm. I actually really liked it. It made me feel more intentional about what I ate instead of just plowing through breakfast with no plan.
Tracking what I eat in my food journal.
Walking through the farmer’s market with my friend/neighbor Jessica.
Picked out a few things to bring home.
Plums are the prettiest color.
The afternoon glow on the streets makes the best shadows.
Went to see Wild Rose with Jessica. Thought it was great. This is the future.
This is what it’s like to live with a 10 year old boy.
Peaches and nectarines please.
Thrifting with Angela and Ruby. This grouping of art made me happy.
Loving my favorite dress!
Came home with a few good books!
Fresh coconut at the Asian market.
My niece made this haiku with my new thrifted Haikubes. Friday night date night with my boo!
Breakfast for Casey and Camden.
Working on a new recipe!
Watching the two of them together makes me happy.
Look at this stink eye.
Plum party.
Movies start with our whirley pop.
Keeping it simple with pasta and basil from my garden.
It’s funny to see my niece with a scrunchie. They’re back!
I shipped out a ton of food journals this week!
My Etsy shop is going on vacation next week so get an order in if you want one or a print and a bumper sticker!
I love seeing the gift messages you leave for your friends. They’re so fun to write. xo