September 2, 2020

Currently August 2020

Currently August 2020

August- birthday month, drove home from Los Angeles, pandemic still happening, fires, I turned 41,  went through a few grief waves because BIRTHDAY, library books checked out (FINALLY!), working from home with husband and child has been interesting, mornings in the yard keep me sane, vegetables ripening in the garden, pops of orange and pink zinnias out the window, wore overalls mostly for the pockets, dog snuggles, cat snuggles, art with friends,  sad goodbyes to another group of friends who are making the exodus out of California, took a reiki training workshop, school started and we stayed away from the public as much as we could and stayed healthy. 

I spent a lot of time working in my Currently Workbook this month. It really helped calm my brain and reduce my anxiety. 

I’m going through a collage phase. I’ve been using photocopied clip-art from an old book and pasting things down with mod podge.

This sticker book is totally my favorite!!!  —> The Antiquarian Sticker Book I used it a lot for the pages.

I had fun with color and glitter. 

August things.

All the good things that happened this month.

Let’s dig into it!

Here we go!

Inspired By:

  • my trip to LA- waking up in a new place/a long drive by myself was nice
  • reiki training
  • filling up my Pinterest boards with ideas
  • my garden!


  • Grey’s Anatomy- we got up to the 2nd season in August. We are hooked.
  • Splash- The birthday girl’s request. I used to LOVE that movie when I was a kid. Cooper thought it was mehhh. Probably because we watched the Disney + version…
  • Love on the Spectrum- watching this off/on. I love Michael. 
  • City Slickers- introduced one of my Mom’s favorites to Cooper. 
  • Romi & Michelle’s High School Reunion- I invented Post-Its
  • Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead- We watched this over and over again during our childhood summers, it was fun to watch it with Cooper and relive memories. 


Thinking About:

  • the future
  • the holidays
  • school
  • habits- what is worth keeping? 

Listening To:

This song to help me feel my feelings/focus:

Listen to this while gardening:

On heavy rotation:


Dream Life:

Dreaming of San Francisco, finding a diamond earring, chores, old apartment building in Oregon. Back to dreaming, I’m in college again. 


Added Instant Pot Saffron Risotto to the rotation. This will come in handy during the colder months. 

We filled up on seaweed snacks this month! I shared our favorite ways to eat them. 

Emma brought me Sol Food. I also split the same sandwich with Neiley later on in the month.

Tomatoes from friends. Pesto from basil I grew.

I bought truffle butter at the farmer’s market and put it on Casey’s toast throughout the month.

Paired well with egg.

Finally got sushi!!! First time since way before March, thanks to my brother.

A croissant from Tartine that makes me teary just thinking about.

I made ice cream…and started a sundae habit. 

Broccoli Beef saves dinner yet again. 

Trying to remember what it’s like to be excited about food when I don’t have to make it for everyone all the time.

It’s not easy.

I do enjoy having lunch with Cooper every day. He’s less likely to throw away lunch when I’m around…

Birthday dinner was Indian takeout. YUM

Grateful For:

  • my health
  • my family
  • my art practice
  • the days when the smoke wasn’t so bad
  • getting away for a few days
  • living so close to the water

Self Portrait for August

Hope you have a great September. xo

  • Sina

    I adore your collages, they are so colourful and versatile. The butterfly wings make me smile 🙂

    Also, yes. This: “trying to remember what it’s like to be excited about food when I don’t have to make it for everyone all the time” I feel you, it’s rough.

    With the whole family at home most of the time we tried out different approaches to keeping everyone fed, and out of scheer fatigue I eventually let go of some responsibilities for providing all of the food.
    At some point it was obvious for all of us that there was no reason with us being all at home that I should be solely responsible and do all that work. This process really helped me – and I can live with the cooking experiments of my family 😉

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