Currently July 2020
July went fast for some reason.
Mostly because I feel like I didn’t get to fully enjoy it. Is this Summer?
This is summer? It doesn’t feel like summer.
We are supposed to be starting school remotely in a few weeks.
What is that going to look like?
How are we going to keep making money working from home with kid?
How are we going to make time for ourselves, our relationships and our families?
We’ve been at home with Cooper since March 11.
It is now August. GOODBYE JULY.
In July I finished my #100thingsmyusedtosay project for my 100-day project this year!
It was quite an emotional project. It helped me keep my Mom close and it brought up A LOT of feelings. With that came some healing.
Thank you for your support!
It’s one less thing to worry about—forgetting all of the things my Mom used to say. I’m planning on making a book of them so I can flip through when I need a little nugget from her. That’s a whole new hurdle to jump over.
Here’s the inside of my Currently Workbook for July:
I was inspired by the echinacea I’m growing!
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Ok, let’s break it down!
Inspired By:
A drive down to Los Angeles.
Waking up in a new place. My brother’s house. It broke up the feeling of groundhog’s day.
Space from my everyday life is what my brain needed.
The light in my garden in July is pretty.
Trips to the Farmer’s Market (mostly for flowers!)
Sewing/mending things!
Playing with my favorite art supplies.
Growing flowers!
Harvested jalapenos!
Freaks & Geeks
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Rocket Man
Cat Fish
Youtube videos

Memoirs and Misinformation – listened to this on my drive to LA. It’s pretty wild! I have about an hour left…
Everything is Under Control– Loved this! Devoured it in one night.
Martha Stewart’s Organizing- Got this mostly so I can look at Martha Stewart’s monthly calendars. They’re always my favorite part of her magazine.
Mending Matters– what helped spark my sewing/mending bug this month.
Thinking About:
I thought about my Mom a lot this month. Mostly because it was my Dad’s birthday and it feels so weird to be celebrating it without her. It’s sitting there with the feeling that she did not get to this part in life. She did not get to see him turn 74. Instead, we celebrate the best way we know how- together.
Listening To:
This month I went down a Red Hot Chili Peppers rabbit hole and got fixated on this song.
Cooper loves it too and we sing it together in the car.
This song gets me into a better mood:
Still…many years later…this song gives me the feels.
This song is a good reset:
Wow. Looking at all of these album covers is interesting.
Dream Life:
I’m starting to notice that some of my dreams are Instagram related. Like someone from Instagram will be in them and that kinda freaks me out. I’ve been waking up at 5:15AM most of the month but falling back to sleep for another hour. This pandemic is making my sleep weird.
Dreamlife feels like it’s in the past. Parts take place in hotels. Grocery stores…other states.
I feel like my MOm is in my dreams but I haven’t seen her.
Fresh tomatoes from friends, garlic yogurt, and bread from the farmer’s market.
A lot of breakfast potatoes.
I busted out my potato gyros for friends (at a distance)
Did some experimenting with tater tots…
Indian curry turkey burgers and zucchini herb fritters were heavy in the rotation this month.
I did some meal prep….
I thrived on simple meals this month.
Added crispy salt & pepper shrimp into the rotation.
My boys were happy about that.
I made a pesto fettuccine for my Dad’s birthday that I keep thinking about….
Anytime I had leftover fruit, I turned it into a mixed berry crisp.
First crop from the garden!!
My brother spoiled me with Sugarfish when I went to visit him.
Grateful For:
My art practice
Rainbows in my garden
Kitten snuggles
This quality time with Cooper
Self Portrait for July: