- Top/cheap restaurants in the bay area according to yelp
- The first/last time Mr. Rogers sang “Won’t You Be My Neighbor”
- Being a cat lady is good for your health. Amen.
- Why writing things by hand makes you smarter.
- How to help your kid manage anxiety at every age.
- Daily routines of famous creative people
- The most checked-out books of all time according to the NY Public Library
- Friendship overload in the age of social media
- The future of cooking— bot chef. Oh boy.
- Underwater photos that amaze.
- These companies have the happiest employees
- I wish I was alive during the 60s
- Middle-Aged success stories!
- I have analog clocks all over my house…
- This is the french toast of my dreams.
- Here’s why your office perks are overrated.
- Dog owners create funny ID tags for their doggos.
- How to draw a nose (it’s the hardest part of drawing a face for me!)
- I love when the actors on SNL break character due to laughing.
- Sepsis is likely to blame for 20% of deaths globally. (that’s how my Mom died)
- A 20-year project of taking a selfie every day.

Want to get your head in the game? Take some bullet journal classes on Skillshare!
Here’s 2 months FREE Premium membership to Skillshare. My creative practice has improved greatly since I started taking classes several years ago! You can see more on @thehandwritingclub
I’m working in my Food Journal all month. Get yours here!!
Wanna boost your food photography skills? Come play with me in Santa Fe this May! More info here.