- Instagram announcing a new feature.
- I could get lost looking at/printing these images to color in.
- Who owns your DNA?
- Lovers from the past.
- I’m not sure I’ve ever had a dunkaroo. I guess I can try one now.
- Cats that are abnormally stretchy!
- I’ve been cutting spaghetti squash wrong.
- How to get through a panic attack.
- Bad/crappy design always makes me laugh.
- Why grocery stores have tiny shopping carts for kids.
- How our kids are being sold to these days goes beyond toy commercials on TV
- The story behind “These Boots Were Made for Walking” song by Nancy Sinatra.
- Texans don’t want any more of us Californians.
- These clouds are crazy,
- The emotional benefits of cooking.
- Why some people don’t return their shopping carts.
- These photos make me want to play with glasses & flowers.
- Simple Valentine’s Day ideas
- This cake is my idea of heaven.
- Making a smoothie from The Smoothie Project this weekend! Stay tuned.
- It would be amazing to stumble upon this at a beach.

Wanna boost your food photography skills? Come play with me in Santa Fe this May! More info here.