- People cut their own hair in self-isolation.
- Vacation photo fails.
- Google street views in Poland are fascinating.
- Some DIY masks that are straight-up questionable.
- Watched this with Cooper. We were giggling.
- Some 4K walking tours if you wanna space out.
- Incredible wildlife photography.
- People recreated famous paintings with stuff they had at home.
- Two words: cat dragons
- I’m self smart!
- Happy hour at our house included popcorn. Praise be, Whirley pop!
- Give someone a pep talk today.—-> buy them a pep talk pack!
- What if you run out of baking ingredients?
- If you’re struggling right now as a parent, you’re not alone.
- Oh thank heavens for Ina!
- Getting through the pandemic with old-fashioned crafts.
- These nature sketchbooks are soooo cool.
- The streets are empty!
- Mythbusters explains why social distancing is important!
- The restorative power of ritual.
- Weekend reading: The Upside of Being Down
- Weekend baking: chocolate banana bread / simple drop biscuits