- What is this thing? The internet knows.
- Ordering groceries online can be misleading.
- I would totally be this guy.
- How to avoid burnout during a pandemic.
- Celebrities- then & now.
- This is what happens to couples under stress.
- Photos of the flower moon.
- I’m a dessert snob.
- So many empty shelves in grocery stores right now.
- Solve your problems with these outlandish remedies.
- These insects aren’t murder hornets so don’t kill them.
- Parenting achievements during quarantine
- Martha Stewart is isolating with her gardener.
- What shopping will be like, post pandemic.
- My mom used to talk about how cool the Cliff House was- this was before her time.
- Some relics from my childhood.
- This makeup tutorial made me LOL.
- Think you’re having a bad day? These people have got you beat.
- Something to play with- water reversal photos
- Weekend Reading: The Upside of Being Down
/ Eat What You Want
- I finally found an outdoor table cloth I love!
- Make my Mom’s coffee cake for Mother’s Day xoxo
Sending out food journals this weekend. There’s more in the shop!!!
I need to get back on board with healthy eating.
Also, if you’re looking to do something productive with your time, take some Skillshare classes. It’s helped me grow my creative practice. Here are two months of FREE premium membership when you sign up.