Intentions for the Week – Week 34 of 2020
Happy Monday, friends!
The weekend flew by real fast. We had time with friends, it rained, I got lost doing artwork this weekend while trying to stay cool.
It’s hot and muggy here in the Bay Area.
There’s electricity in the air. Lightning and thunderstorms. 90F+ degrees. It’s very confusing. What is happening to California?!
This is our last week before school starts up again. Hopefully, we can find something fun/adventurous to do as a last hoorah. We’ll see what the weather has in store for us…
This week, I am hopping back on my food journaling. It’s been a few weeks. It’s the best way I have to check in with myself. The best part is that it’s always there waiting for me when I need it. There are more in the shop! Get one here!
OK. Time to write down our Intentions for the Week. Here we go!
Intentions for the Week:
- laundry
- confirm vegetable delivery with Imperfect Produce
- straighten up house
- celebrate my birthday
- make a cake? or buy one!
- clean out fridge
- start project for client
- work on #100thingsmomusedtosay book
- call the doctor
- do meal prep
- leaf blow
- fill out my Intentions for the Week printable
- make a grocery list/grocery shop
- go to the farmer’s market
- keep Cooper occupied during the day
- work on making a better desk/school setup for Cooper
- make new recipe
- post new recipe
- package/ship food journals The Handwriting Club
- track my steps on my fitbit
- paint my fingernails
- send snail mail to friends
- catch up on writing
- catch up on social media
- track what I eat in my food journal this week
- facetime with friends
- clean up office desk + floor
- work on new printable pack
- go to Post Office
- delete photos & videos on phone
- ask for help when I need it
- pull cards
and write in my sketchbook
- water indoor plants
- work in the yard
- edit photos
- go to an empty beach?
- make artwork for post
- build some time in to meditate
- get good sleep
- take good care of myself
Last Week’s Intentions:
STAY HEALTHYlaundrystraighten up housefigure out birthday plansclean out fridge- do meal prep
fill out my Intentions for the Week printablemake a grocery list/grocery shopgo to the farmer’s marketBE BETTER AT DRINKING WATERkeep Cooper occupied during the daypick up car from the shopwork on making a better desk/school setup for Coopermake new recipe- post new recipe
package/ship food journals The Handwriting Clubtrack my steps on my fitbitMOVE MY BODY /DANCEpaint my fingernailssend snail mail to friendscatch up on writingcatch up on social media- track what I eat in my food journal this week
facetime with friendsclean up office desk + floor- work on new printable pack
go to Post Office- delete photos & videos on phone
ask for help when I need itpull cardsand write in my sketchbook
water indoor plantswork in the yardedit photosgo to an empty beach?make artwork for postbuild some time in to meditateget good sleeptake good care of myself
Recipes to Try:
Hash Brown Omelet
Lox Bagel Pizza
Homemade Pizza Bagels
Spicy Sweet Potato Fries
Sweet Corn Fritters
Chopped Salad with Spiced Chickpeas
Country Italian Salad
How to Make Kombucha at Home
If you make a recipe from Shutterbean, tag me on Instagram! I’d love to see your creations!
Pump Jam for the Week:
Mantra for the week!
Feeling stuck? Make a list! Write down your intentions for the week to help hold you accountable for action.
My Intentions for the Week Printable might help!