Intentions for the Week – Week 43 of 2020
Happy Monday, friends!
This weekend was a busy one. My brother-in-law came over to help us with our sprinkler system. I am excited to have some of my morning watering be automated. I’ve been doing a lot of it by hand for the past year and I CANNOT wait to see how things unfold. Cooper and I watched a lot of the new Home Edit show on Netflix and it gave me a boost of energy to organize. I tackled a major paper pile this weekend and I’ve been slowly cleaning out drawers around the house and I reorganized our homework station. I hope to continue the momentum this week. Here are my Intentions for the Week!
Intentions for the Week:
- laundry
- therapy
- continue cutting down to 1 cup of coffee in the AM
- make arrangements to pick up library book
- do some meal prep
- straighten up the deck
- play around with my Cricut
- place Imperfect Produce order
- order mom book (I have two pages left to finish!)
- change duvet cover
- clean out bottom of freezer
- get rid of clutter around the house
- fill out my Intentions for the Week printable
- make a grocery list/grocery shop
- recipe testing
- post new recipe/work on post
- make kombucha
- package/ship food journals The Handwriting Club
- track my steps on my fitbit
- dance!
- paint my fingernails
- send snail mail to friends
- catch up on writing
- catch up on social media
- track what I eat in my food journal this week
- facetime with friends
- go to Post Office
- read horoscope
- ask for help when I need it
- pull cards
and write in my sketchbook
- water indoor plants
- work in the yard
- turn over the beds and research winter crops
- edit photos
- make artwork for post
- build some time in to meditate
- get good sleep
- watch how much time I spend on the phone
Last Week’s Intentions:
- DRINK WATER (could have been better at it!)
laundrydrop off library booksdo some meal prepstraighten up the deck- clear out space in the garage (just got trashed again)
- play around with my Cricut
(didn’t have time)
place Imperfect Produce order- order mom book (almost done with it)
research paint colors- clean out bottom of freezer
get rid of clutter around the house- fill out my Intentions for the Week printable
make a grocery list/grocery shoprecipe testingpost new recipe/work on post- make kombucha
package/ship food journals The Handwriting Clubtrack my steps on my fitbit- try to spend time on our exercise bike
dance!paint my fingernailssend snail mail to friendscatch up on writingcatch up on social media- track what I eat in my food journal this week (did 5 days)
facetime with friendsgo to Post Officeread horoscopeask for help when I need itpull cardsand write in my sketchbook
water indoor plants- work in the yard
- turn over the beds and research winter crops (started)
edit photosmake artwork for postbuild some time in to meditateget good sleepwatch how much time I spend on the phone
Recipes to Try:
Baked Pumpkin Pecan Doughnuts
Pumpkin Pudding Cake
Sausage Bread
Bread Apple Sausage Hash
Polenta Cornbread
Turkey White Bean Chili
Creamy Goat Cheese Spinach Pasta
DIY Ginger Brew
If you make a recipe from Shutterbean, tag me on Instagram! I’d love to see your creations!
Pump Jam for the Week:
Mantra for the week!
Feeling stuck? Make a list! Write down your intentions for the week to help hold you accountable for action.
My Intentions for the Week printable might help you! It definitely helps me.
I’m rooting for you!
Sending sparkles,