I love books. Don’t you? If you have a book lover in your life to shop for, here are a bunch of my favorite Books to Gift!
- Wild at Home – so much inspiration by my friend Hilton!
- The New Plant Parent – how to be a good plant parent.
- 2022 Farmer’s Almanac – an essential for anyone who grows plants outside.
- Urban Jungle – for the crazy plant lover in your life.
- Essential Succulents – succulent 101. So much good info.
Propagating Plants– knowing how to propagate is alchemy.
- Botanicum – such a beautifully illustrated guidebook.
- A Year in Flowers– if you’re wanting to learn how to arrange flowers.
- The Complete Language of Flowers – flowers have meanings!
- Mending Matters– Katrina shows you how to upcycle/mend your clothes beautifully.
- Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative – don’t give up the fight!
- Find Your Artistic Voice– Lisa is a true inspiration!
- The Artist’s Way
– a classic for every artist.
- Your Inner Critic is a Big Jerk– how to battle through your inner critic!
- Everyday Matters– a beautiful story of how to make the most of each day.
- A Field Guide to Color– a beautiful book you can paint in and learn watercolors with!
- 642 Things to Draw– so many prompts if you’re feeling stuck drawing.
- Urban Watercolor Sketching– this artist’s work is GOALS!
- Thriving as an Empath– I try to read this every day and it helps!
- You are Here for Now – because YOU ARE HERE NOW!
- Simple Abundance– this one never gets old. My mom gifted it to me at 19.
- Astrology for the Soul– for the astrology enthusiast
- Dancing at the Pity Party– for the friend who is grieving & needs comfort.
- Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe– also a good grief book.
- How to Break Up with Your Phone- we all could use this!
- How to Not Always Be Working
– this too!
- Be Here Now– a beautiful coffee table book to browse through at a whim.
- Food52: A New Way to Dinner– so much dinner inspiration!
- Simply Julia– I love Julia’s way of cooking.
- Alton Brown: EveryDayCook– I’ve made a lot of recipes from here.
- The Flavor Bible– if you’re wondering what pairs well with what, GET THIS.
- Everyday Dinners– Jessica is one of my food icons.
- Modern Comfort Food– Ina is the best. The end.
- Mighty Salads– we all could use more salads.
- Big Boards for Families
– boards galore!
- The Weekday Vegetarians– inspiration for #meatlessmondays!
- The Tree in Me– beautifully illustrated!
- The Day the Crayons Quit– one of our faves.
- The Day the Crayons Came Home– this one too!
- The 50 States– a great way to learn so many facts.
- Maps– illustrated info about all of the countries.
- Nature Anatomy– the budding nature enthusiast will love it.
- The Everything Kid’s Science Experiments Book– experiments galore!
- The Lego Ideas Book– so many things to build with legos.
- The Complete Cookbook for Young Chefs
– I wish I had this as a kid.