Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 30
Huggy helped me pack for our trip this week. I was happy I had a list to refer to!
I made the boys this Cucumber Sesame Salad before we left!
Cooper vs. the bread basket.
Family dinner at Original Joe’s cuz my brother and sister-in-law came to visit!
Love in the city.
Blooms in my backyard.
We made french toast with what was left before our trip.
Looking up on the ridge.
Hanging with my boy Walter. He finds shade wherever we go.
Found out that these wildflowers in the hill are California Fuschia.
A red-eye flight brought us to Boston in the morning. I took a three hour nap that made me feel like a whole new person.
My baby is looking grown.
We took a stroll through the community gardens near our hotel.
The first thing I noticed back East was how LUSH everything is.
Hello, GOALS.
We flew into Boston to see a Red Sox game before we took Cooper to Cooperstown , NY for camp/baseball tournament.
Not a bad view!
It was my first time at Fenway. It was SO MUCH FUN.
It was so cool to be on the green monster!
He’s gaining on him (and me!)
We got to check out our brick!
Obligatory Dunkin’ Donuts
What a fun experience!
We Californians are freaking out over rain. SO EXCITING.
Dinner at The Otesaga Hotel with the team. That view though!
Dropping Cooper off at his bunkhouse. Casey and I are together by ourselves all wee!
Picking wildflowers to make a bouquet.
I can’t wait to draw this.
Opening ceremonies.
It’s true.
Day date drinks!
Watching Cooper pitch.
Waiting to pick Cooper up to take him off campus for dinner.
We are in love with the east coast.
Practically a salad. Right?
Watching children learn how to fish is pretty magical.
Making breakfast in a different kitchen, in a different time zone.
I geeked out that there are so many black-eyed Susan flowers growing wild here.
Found the coolest black dragonfly.
See what I mean re: flowers??
We have a pond where we are staying.
Mom + Dad en route to evening game.
Post double.
The light is magical here.
This made us laugh.
Another day date. Drinking beer & doing artwork.
I asked my Mom for some Signs and she’s been delivering.
Beverly (her name) means Beaver Meadow. YAY!