My Everyday Life Week 42

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 42

We got rain in Northern California. OH MY GOODNESS. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

What a delight to see droplets of water on everything! 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Bits of the sun in between rain. The shadows are changing this time of year. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Meal prep in progress. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Pumpkin Hippy Bread turned into muffins and they were so good. I baked them for about 18 minutes 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

I am working on a meal prep course online!  I’ll let you know more about that soon. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

En route to lady art day!

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Before the rain started. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Yes, please. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

We painted skulls! 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Here’s mine. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

It was so much fun! 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

That’s a thought. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Sending out goodies from The Handwriting Club.  I’m getting ready to send out workbooks soon. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Outdoor entertaining will be suspended for a bit. All pillows stored! 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

My current favorite teas:

Vanilla Almond (I put a bit of creamer in it!)

Hot Apple Cider Tea (perfection! I use two bags per cup)

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Girl time. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

From The Road Less Traveled

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Sausage peppers rice egg dinner.

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Avocado toast fuel. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Comfort foods on rainy days. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Checking out plants late at night. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Seeing a bit of blue sky in a puddle. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of


My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

I like his capital S. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of


My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

The right time of day. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Storms remind me that cloudy days are worth living. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

And when you see the sun after days of not seeing it, everything SHINES!

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Putting canned refried beans to good use. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Pomegranate study. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Watercolor painting date with Neiley. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Putting feelings onto paper. 

My Everyday Life Week 42 of 2021- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

I am excited to do meal prep and make these artichoke egg bites again. 

Artichoke Egg Bites from



Week 42 in 2020

Week 42 in 2019

Week 42 in 2018

Week 42 in 2017

Week 42 in 2016

 Week 42 in 2015

Week 42 in 2014

Week 42 in 2013

Week 42 in 2012

Week 42 in 2011

Thanks for reading Shutterbean!  If you’d like to check out more of my everyday life, follow me on Instagram and be sure to keep in touch via Facebook, TwitterBloglovinPinterest, or subscribe via email to get new posts delivered to your inbox.  If you love handwriting, check out my passion project- The Handwriting Club on Instagram.

  • Mary

    Hi Tracy! You are a constant inspiration and temptation. Today I made the Pumpkin Hippie Bread as muffins, because you said I should. Outside is crazy weather, a “bomb cyclone”? Glad they are getting baked before the power goes out. My house smells so delicious and I cant wait to try one.

    • Tracy

      Hooray! I hope they give you the fuel you’re looking for this week. All the best! xo

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