Today I want to talk about Creating a Morning Routine. Do you have one? Is it working for you? I’ve been working on my morning routine for quite some time and I realize it takes a LOT OF PRACTICE. One of my goals has been to stay off my phone for at least a half hour after waking up. No scrolling on my phone in bed before I have even stood up for the day. That’s my rule!
I know that if I am scrolling first thing in the morning before checking in with myself, it is easy for me to get sucked in and not be present at the start of the day. Checking in to see what other people are doing (on social media) before I check in with myself is also harmful to my mental health. It can inadvertently stress me out and it’s not healthy for me or my child to be in that frantic/stressed-out mood first thing. I am glad I realized this and I am working towards improving our morning routine.
This is how I stay off my phone in the morning.
I take a piece of paper and a rubberband and cover my screen when I go to bed. I suppose I could also make this my lock screen too!
I know some people put their phones in another room if they have a hard time snoozing their alarm. My phone is kept on my nightstand but I stopped using the alarm on my phone to wake up because looking at it to turn off the alarm would trigger a scroll fest in bed. Now I use my watch to wake me up.
(which involves getting Cooper ready too)
- Wake up (usually around 6:20AM)
- Sit in bed and think about the day (2-5 mins)
- Write down my dreams if I have any that I remember
- Make bed (I just HAVE TO!)
- Make coffee
- Drink water
- Take pill
- Work on morning pages (about 15 minutes)
- Wakeup Cooper
- Check phone- wordle, email, texts & calendar (15 mins max)
- Make breakfast/ eat breakfast
- Help make school lunch
- Get dressed
- Brush teeth/get ready for school
- Pack up for school
- Say goodbye to Casey
- Leave for school
I still do the no phone/morning pages on the weekends. It’s so nice not to have to rush and manage my child on those days.
If you want to map out your morning routine, you can get my template here!
I’ll share my evening routine next!
If you’re also having a hard time not using your phone first thing in the morning, here are some books that I think might help:
How to Breakup with Your Phone
Your morning routine can set the tone for the entire day. Make it a good one!