Current Favorite Pens 2022! Can you believe the last time I shared my favorite pens was in 2018? Time sure does fly! Since then, my handwriting has greatly improved and I have added a few more winners to the collection.
Let’s dump out my pen case!

These are my Current Favorite Pens!
Let’s break it down.
TOMBOW BRUSH PEN (dual-sided)
This pen is like putting on comfy slippers for me. Except comfy slippers last a long time. When these things dry up they’re worthless but when they are brand new and well cared for they are HEAVEN.
I use the black pen to make bold headers in my lists.
I also use the colorful brush pens to highlight things I’ve completed in my Intentions for the Week planner.
They add color to my life and I like that I can do it all with a broad stroke.
I use this pen in my Currently Workbook (you can still get one here btw) and my Intentions for the Week planner.
It’s super inky! I like that I can do a combo of capital letters with cursive thrown in.
Read message above. This is a game-changer for the left-hander. If you have someone in your life who fidgets with pen caps, consider yourself warned. You’ll seriously cut yourself.
This is why I love a retractable. Losing a cap is the worst.
Pilot Varsity Disposable Fountain Pen
For the times when I want to feel fancy and then realize I’m not. This pen is not for someone who moves fast. If you have patience and you are slow and deliberate about your writing, congratulations! You’ll like this one. If you’re writing a fancy thank you note, this pen will make your words feel/look extra special.
Look at what it does to my hand. Newsflash, I almost always have ink on my hands.
I found this pen at Blick Art Supply. It made my dopamine levels soar.
It takes a lot to wow me and WOW.
I really liked the magenta one as well.
I like using this one when I make fancy lists.
I like doing capital letters with it.
I feel like I can get the Bewitched look I love with this pen.
I am transported back into another time.
I used this one a lot when I sent out all the magic packages over the holiday season.
It’s a classic. Somehow a professional sharpie chisel tip turned up in my life and it was magnificent. If you’ve been writing on smaller pens, this one gives your fingers a nice stretch!
And if I get the tip just right, I can do a cursive I like with it.
And now we move on to another WOW pen.
Magic. Pure magic. Watch gold develop before your eyes! It also makes a good sound when you use it!
Always good to go back to a home base pen. These were my special pens when I was a kid and as an adult, it feels fun to write to-do lists with them. I used to color things in with these pens when I was a kid and it always made me mad cuz it would take forever. As I recall, I would color so much that it would make a hole in my page!
I think that’s why I love coloring with brush pens now.
Posca Paint Pen
Forever and ever amen. I think you’ve already heard about it from me. It’s just that it makes my life so fun!
I pair it a lot with black gesso.
Paint pens are all that I ever wanted when I was a child. I am glad they exist now. It really sucked living without them.
Staedtler non-permanent pen
I used to wax poetic about these dry erase pens and then I got super annoyed how some innocent move on my part smudged off something I wrote. It was super annoying having to correct any of the letters I accidentally swiped. I have been using this pen on my Meal Prep Lists now. I laminated the pages and now I just write on top of it. You can also use them on top of page protectors.
You need a good amount of moisture to make the ink smudge. For this, I love them.