January 14, 2022


Life Requires Maintenance print from The Handwriting Club on Etsy- I LOVE LISTS by Tracy Benjamin


  1. Perfectly timed photos. 
  2. In love with- my new hairdryer brush! 
  3. Reliving the dial-up experience in 2020
  4. People having fun on the job. 
  5. How to freeze everything properly. 
  6. Maya Angelou is on the US quarter!
  7. Polar bears take over abandoned buildings. 
  8. Wow. The Christmas Comet was beautiful. 
  9. We had so many of these things growing up. 
  10. How to put your worst habits to good use. 
  11. This cat looks like a dog. 
  12. Obsessed with this scantron tea towel. 
  13. Ooooh this soup looks simply DELICIOUS!
  14. Roasted mushrooms would be good for meal prep. 
  15. Victoria wedding photos are a way to time travel. 
  16. A list of the best healthy things at Costco.
  17. A whole bunch of useful advice. 
  18. What not to say when buying/selling your home. 
  19. Why dunking your cookies in milk is good. 
  20. Speaking of cookies- have you seen these mocha meringues?
  21. Your kitchen needs at least one grubby baking sheet (AMEN).
  22. Weekend reading: Other Side and Back 


Life requires maintenance!  (you can get the print above in my Etsy shop)

There are a few Currently 2022 Workbooks in the shop right now. Anyone who subscribes to my newsletter got word first yesterday! If they end up selling out, you can always get one through this Blurb link. 

  • Caitlyn

    I bought that airdryer brush maybe two years ago and omgosh is it a God send! Especially at the time when I had bangs.
    I am glad that we have high speed internet these days because reliving that dial-up experience made me realize I probably couldn’t do half of what I do on a normal day under those conditions.
    Those mocha meringues look delicious. I am going to try to make them next week for my coworkers (too dangerous to make them just for myself). Also I really want to try making moss graffiti now! Spring needs to hurry up so I can try it.

  • Patrina

    I have that hair dryer brush, too! I used it yesterday for the first time in awhile, so perfect timing seeing it on your list this morning!

  • Peggy

    I also have that hairdryer and I love it. The polar bears are adorable living it up in there homes.

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