- I am an internet veteran.
- These plants exist.
- New trader joe’s reviews.
- How to Stay Organized in the Kitchen
- There are some new Instagram messaging features.
- Why digital cameras have shorter lives than film cameras.
- Aerial photos of solar power plants.
- Aerial photos of greenhouses in Spain.
- What food banks never need.
- Pool floats: cassette tape / cheeseburger / alligator
- I love bathing suits from the 1950s.
- Your mental speed stays the same until this age.
- Italy has a bunch of ghost towns.
- Abandoned churches in Italy.
- These watercolor paintings have so many details.
- This is happening to SF. I’m looking forward to it.
- It would be fun to be in a giant net.
- Cleaning tips from midwestern grandmas.
- Black cat sings the blues.
- Keep Going!
Want to get organized meal-wise for next week? Here’s my Meal Prep Planning Sheet!
If you want a high-functioning to-do list for the week, get my Intentions for the Week printable!
Here’s $80 off Imperfect Produce orders- It helps me with sourcing my food for meal prep.