- How the paparazzi were born.
- An astrologer told me I’m a cross between George Carlin & Mother Teresa.
- My ice cream flavor is salted caramel.
- A whole bunch of beaver photos! lol.
- Let’s look at old photos together.
- What are the worst bugs to find in your house?
- SF Food Bucket List. I’m so out of touch since COVID.
- Teenagers in the 1950s.
- These paintings of Los Angeles hills are so full of color.
- Nutritional yeast isn’t just for popcorn.
- I loved Weird Al when I was a kid.
- How to deal with emotional eating.
- Imagine working at a place for 84 YEARS!
- Meditation ideas for people who can’t sit still (me!)
- What do productive people do in the morning?
- I love these mosquito-repellent incense sticks. They smell amazing.
- How long do photographs last?
- I’m so excited for Deb’s new book!
!! YAY!
- Don’t forget to MOM YOURSELF!
- Exciting news for our plastic consumption!
For those of us celebrating Mother’s Day without a Mom, I made a MOM YOURSELF pep talk pack from my Things Mom Used to Say book.
If you want a high-functioning to-do list for the week, get my Intentions for the Week printable!
Here’s $40 off Imperfect Produce orders- It helps me with sourcing my food for meal prep.
Here’s 1 month of premium membership to Skillshare for free!