September 5, 2022

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 36 in 2022

Hello, MONDAY! 

It’s Labor Day and I’m writing this from my couch. This week is going to be a little weird around here. Cooper has COVID so we adults are keeping our distance while caring for him and trying not to get it too.  He’s got cold symptoms and low energy.  Wish us luck this week!  He’s gotta stay away from school; 🙁    Anywho…here are my Intentions for the week!

Intentions this Week 

  • fill out my Intentions for the week calendar
  • keep track of what I eat in my food journal
  • keep track of my steps with my Fitbit
  • spend time working in my Currently Workbook 
  • package/ship orders for The Handwriting Club  (THANK YOU!)
  • finalize imperfect produce order (here’s 20% off!)
  • watch how much time I spend on the phone
  • return stuff/package up
  • work on presentation
  • bookkeeping
  • read book club book
  • drop off salvation army
  • read The Dead Mom’s Club
  • conference call 
  • drink more water
  • return truck
  • move body/ use elliptical machine 
  • pull cards and write in my sketchbook
  • work in the yard
  • quality time with Cooper
  • edit photos
  • recipe test
  • post new recipe
  • catch up with laundry
  • clean bathrooms
  • catch up pinning on my Pinterest account
  • catch up on social media
  • go through paper piles (I have one main one left!)
  • water indoor plants
  • work on morning routine
  • feed my worms compost
  • work on course stuff
  • take out garbage & recycling
  • clean up the house
  • extra snuggles with cats
  • clean out their litterboxes
  • make a grocery list/grocery shop
  • paint nails
  • clean out fridge
  • do meal prep
  • tweeze things
  • eat more salads & vegetables
  • go to my P.O. box
  • post horoscope
  • I LOVE LISTS post
  • make artwork for post
  • My Everyday Life Post
  • build some time in to meditate
  • get good sleep
  • stay healthy! 

Last Week’s Intentions:

  • fill out my Intentions for the week calendar
  • keep track of what I eat in my food journal
  • keep track of my steps with my Fitbit
  • spend time working in my Currently Workbook 
  • post my August pages from my workbook
  • post in the private facebook group
  • package/ship orders for The Handwriting Club  (THANK YOU!)
  • finalize imperfect produce order (here’s 20% off!)
  • watch how much time I spend on the phone
  • return stuff/package up
  • start prep on presentation
  • make a phone call I don’t want to
  • go to Target
  • drop off at UPS 
  • bookkeeping
  • read book club book
  • drop off salvation army
  • read The Dead Mom’s Club
  • museum visit 
  • drink more water
  • return truck
  • move body/ use elliptical machine 
  • pull cards and write in my sketchbook
  • work in the yard
  • quality time with Cooper
  • edit photos
  • recipe test
  • post new recipe
  • catch up with laundry
  • clean bathrooms
  • catch up pinning on my Pinterest account
  • catch up on social media
  • go through paper piles (I have one main one left!)
  • water indoor plants
  • work on morning routine
  • feed my worms compost
  • work on course stuff
  • take out garbage & recycling
  • clean up the house
  • extra snuggles with cats
  • clean out their litterboxes
  • make a grocery list/grocery shop
  • paint nails
  • clean out fridge
  • do meal prep
  • tweeze things
  • eat more salads & vegetables
  • go to my P.O. box
  • post horoscope
  • I LOVE LISTS post
  • make artwork for post
  • My Everyday Life Post
  • build some time in to meditate
  • get good sleep
  • stay healthy! 


Herbed Potato Salad

Herbed Potato Salad 

Spanish Garlic Shrimp can be made with very few ingredients. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com by Tracy Benjamin

Spanish Garlic Shrimp

Quick Tomato Basil Pasta 

Hash Brown Omelet

Baked Corn & Tomato Risotto

Grilled Chicken with Tomato Parsley Salad 


Sidekick Tomato Soup


If you make a recipe from Shutterbean, tag me on Instagram! I’d love to see your creations! 

Jam for the Week:


Mantra for the week!

Is this a Good Time for You- I love lists artwork by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean


Feeling stuck? Make a list! Write down your intentions for the week to help hold you accountable for action. 

My Intentions for the Week Calendar can help!! 

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

I also have a printable if you work well with a one-sheet!

Wishing you a productive week! 

  • Sina

    Wishing Cooper a speedy recovery!

    Our son got it too acouple of weeks ago 🙁 fter only three days of school he got a positive test. We didn’t distance extensively and nobody else in the family got it this time around. In March, all four of us were sick with Covid, with very different effects. This virus is weird and affects people so differently, it’s wild. I was very disappointed though that we had to deal with it again, not even a half year later.

    All the best to you and your family!

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